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A/N: Sorry for being gone for a while, but here's a chapter. The song at the top may confuse you but in the chapter I use the phrase 'back to black' and it's all I could think of, so there's the song incase you felt like listening!
Also I'm so sorry if the writing style changes or details are forgotten mid-way through this chapter, I finished it over multiple months.

Dabi's white roots were starting to peek through his matte, black hair. It was quite an odd sight if you noticed it, normally it would be the other way around, people's black hair would show through their white dye, but no. Dabi had the opposite problem.

Recently, he'd bought hair dye, so he'd just cover up the problem with that. It would probably be pretty difficult but if he just said he was going to shower they'd surely take the handcuffs off? Right?

Well, there was only one way to find out. Dabi approached Aizawa who was the designated room guard for today, "Can you take these things off, I need to shower." Dabi had a slightly salty tone of voice but he was trying to sound nice for maximum chances.
"I suppose so, otherwise you can't exactly get changed, be quick though, 40 minutes then you're out."

'40 minutes?!, How the hell can I dye my hair that quickly' Dabi sighed, this seemed to be an impossible task, but then again: it was his only option if he wanted to remain anonymous, "Sure Eraser, I can do that."

"Well then," Aizawa unlocked the chain with a clicking noise, "your timer starts now."

Dani immediately rushes to the bathroom connecting to his dorm room. He fumbles to get the box dye out of the cabinet and knocks the rest onto the ground, but he'd pick them all up later right now he had to focus on the task at hand: dying his hair back to black.

It was a difficult task sure, but he'd done it so many times before it was almost second nature. Dabi never used those brushes that came with the dye, instead he scooped it with his hands and rubbed it in. To some it seemed animalistic sure, but it got the job done so it was enough for him.

After several minutes, his entire head was fully coated, or at least, Dabi hoped it was fully coated... he needed to wait for about 15 minutes until he could wash it out. Normally during the time while he waited, Dabi would be yelling from inside the League's bathroom at why he couldn't exit the room while Himiko got annoyed and tried to force the door open with her only ounce of strength.

Dabi didn't consider himself sentimental at all, especially when it came to Himiko and the others... but he missed her banging down the door; not because he actually wanted to almost break his back keeping the door closed, but because it meant that he was still free to do what he wished, with the only people who somewhat, maybe, slightly cared about him.

But before he could feel like breaking out into some cringey song about past memories, the timer rang (very thankfully indeed). He started the shower and turned the knob until it was all the way on cold. You see, even with a strong fire quirk Dabi always had cold showers, sometimes it was to cool off his body after a long and exhausting day of overusing his quirk, other times it was just because he was an emo who never felt any warmth, not even from the shower...  but no matter the reason, it was always cold

While in the shower, Dabi enjoyed the feeling of the cold, hard water dripping down his body as he washed the hair dye out. He carefully rubs his scalp, massaging it with his fingers to get all the hair dye residue off his head.

Every drop and every bead of water soothed his body, his scars. The cool feeling of the water was a refreshing change and contrast to any scarring burns. He felt a feeling of calmness he hadn't felt in a while. Yet as he felt calm a new feeling, one of insecurity, dawned on his mind. He was somewhere with nobody to call friend or family, even if some people would technically fall into said categories.

But soon his thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Eraserhead shouting that his time in the shower was up. Although he hasn't quite finished everything he'd at least gotten his hair properly dyed, and that was better than having his snowy white past revealed through his roots.

As Dabi dried his body off with a pristine, white, fluffy towel he picked up the loungewear that had been left in the basket next to the sink. He hastily dressed himself to re-emerge in front of Eraser.

"You took an extra five minutes. Why?" Aizawa spoke tiredly, he seemed fairly fed-up with having to wait for literally anything or anyone.
"I really hope time limits aren't this strict at UA, if they are I wouldn't blame any of your students if they ran away and joined to LoV..." Dabi spoke with a playful and mocking tone, as if challenging Aizawa to get annoyed at him, challenging Aizawa to be cruel like Dabi thought all heroes were.

But Aizawa didn't do anything other than let out an exhausted sigh before putting Dabi's restraints back on and leaving so he could get some rest.

"Oh Eraser, I've heard from your students that I'll be having a meeting with some pro-heroes soon... is it true that Endeavour will be there?.."

MHA Villain Rehab: Dabi [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now