chapter 6.

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They went to university after eating breakfast

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They went to university after eating breakfast. When yn and iu entered the class everyone eyes were on yn as she looking beautiful and hot.jk looked at her with wide mouth.
He looked at her till she reached her seat.
Break time.
Yn was walking with iu when someone came front of her.yn looked at the person it was roya.yn raised her eyebrow.
Roya:yo bitch why did u comeback again did u forget what our parents no my parents nd oppas told u??
Yn:so what I don't care about them it's my wish to come and study here.
Roya :ho really then I will make sure u will be kicked out this time too.
Yn:then do it .
Roya looked at back of yn then she slapped herself and fell down .
At first yn was confused then someone pushed her which made her stumble.
Her minions Tia ran to call principal.
Yn looked at the person who pushed her it was Jin
Tae came and slapped yn with force which didn't effect yn.she looked at them with emotionless face.
Jimin:how dare u touch my mochi u bitch.
Jin:princess why did she slap u tell oppa.
Roya:oppa I just wanted to talk with her but she insulted and slapped me.i don't why she hate me so much.
Namjoon:yn u-
Principal came fast and told yn roya and bts to office room.
All walked to office room.
But there was a person who saw everything but decided to keep quite so he can see wht yn will do.

Principal called both parents of roya and yn.

After 30 mins.
Office door opened all turned to see bts parents or u can say yn's ex parents.
Mom:baby what happened who slapped u.
Roya:mom it's unnie.
Dad looked at the person who roya was pointing both parks turned to see yn and iu standing without any fear or guilt.
Mr.park:you ...why did u slapped my daughter. What did my daughter do that u slapped her.
Jimin:dad roya just wanted to talk to her but she not only slapped but insulted our princess too.
Mom:u ungrateful Bart even after kicking out of family u still bully my daughter.
Yn:can you all shut up for a second .it's irritating me.i am quite because I don't want to create scene.ok....
He cut of by door open principal was about to shout when he looked at the person it was Lee gong yoo.the owner of university.
Principal: good afternoon sir what brought you here??
Yoo:aren't you the person who called me .
Principal: but i called
Yoo:I know I'm Lee yn's father. Lee gong yoo
Yoo:so how can u frame my princess .did u check the cctv.
Roya started to sweat.
Roya:why check cctv when I am the got slap.
Yoo:why are sweat ms.park .I just wanted to clear lies which are on my daughter.
And u principal show me the footage.
Principal and roya her minions were sweating badly.
Principal showed the video to all present in office room.
Yoo:now it is why did u frame my princess??
Yoo:also when my princess slaps someone that person will be unconscious but u are looking fine.
Yn:ur right dad so can I??
Yoo:sure princess.
Mr.park:what do u mean??
Yn turn to roya
Yn:I already warned u that I'm not the old yn who will keep quite but still u came looking for trouble. Now take this.
Yn slapped roya with force which made everyone gasp.roya was on ground unconscious. Yoo and iu were smirking looking at shocked faces.
Jimin and tae were about to catch yn when yoo said.
Yoo:dare to touch Lee's princess ur family will be homeless.
Also principal ur fired.
Principal: why??
Yoo:did u forgot university rules?? No bully ,fights allowed
Throw this 3 girls (Tia,Mia and ria )out university.
Yoo:princess wanna go home or u will come home after classed.
Yn:dad I wanna go home now as my mood is spoiled by looking at some faces.
Yoo:ok then let's go ur mom is waiting for u at home.iu u to come home with me.
Iu:sure uncle.take ur daughter to clinic before she loses her brain.
They walked out without looking back.the parks were shocked and soon took roya to clinic. Principal and roya's minions were crying .

In clinic Dr.checked roya and said
Dr:did she got hit by bat??
Jin:no Dr.she got slapped.
Dr:are u sure?
Joon :yes Dr.
Dr:she will be fine in 2 hours.i don't no who slapped her but the slap was really hard.
Dr walked out leaving the parks .
Dad:we never thought yn will be daughter of Lee gong yoo.
Hobi:why u know him.?
Dad:he is business man his company is top 1 all over the world.and our is top1 in Korea.
Jin:yoongi where were you before going to office room.
Yoongi told all to come out .
All came out ex roya.
Dad :what u want to talk son.
Yoongi :when you guys reached yn and roya in corridor I was watching everything from start.
Jin:what do u mean?.
Yoongi:yn never slapped roya it was roya who slapped herself and framed yn.
Jimin:hyung how can u take tht Bart side.
Yoongi I'm not lying u seen the vedio right and also before yn went missing it was also roya who edited the pics and framing that she was abused by yn.
Mom:I don't believe u suga.
Yoongi:it's ur problem then.i was suspicious of roya when yn left school that year j saw her smirking and talking to someone in call.
Dad:let's check roya then if u are right then yn is innocent if not u will be punished badly.
Saying this everyone walked inside the clinic. Leaving yoongi and hobi.
Hobi:if roya is culprit then how will we show yn our face she hate us hyung.
Yoongi:don't worry hobi she will forgive us till then we have to beg her.

That year we did a lot of bad things.

To be continued........

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