Chapter 5: Narda's Dream

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Narda found herself in the forest, she stood up and took the glance around her as if looking for something.

Narda: Where am I?

She was even amazed because she had never been in a very beautiful forest, compared to the dense spooky forest they went through as they went their way to the Castle Vanguardia. This forest looked even very familiar. The forests were very green. The spotlights from the sun. The falling leaves. Narda even saw lots of roses, the same rose that her father gave her. There are many squirrels, rabbits running. The birds chirping as they were flying. What amazed Narda most was the lamb lying with the lion. The cubs playing with calves. The mother sheep lying with the newborn cubs. The mother lions caring the newborn lambs. Then Narda saw the herd of the deer running, they were following the big elk which seemed to be their master. And the lions do not seem to be bothered as the herd were running in front of them.

As she was enjoying the beauty of the forest, Narda asked herself if she was dead. If the Snake Creature already devoured her in her sleep, but the voice suddenly made her turn around. 

Girl: No, you're not.

Surprised, she was immediately amazed by the figure. She was holding and petting her very cute, soft and white bunny. And that figure was none other than Princess Regina Valentina. Narda did not recognize her that the Snake Girl and the princess in front of her are one. Narda immediately recognized her as a princess but not as Princess Regina.

Before Narda could speak, Regina spoke.

Regina: Narda. You must know that you are not so unfortunate as you suppose. But, despite your suffering, you will find joy in the end, and you will be rewarded. Your every wish shall be gratified. I know that this is very strange to you, but you have to know that I love you. I love you very dearly. And in making me happy, you will find your happiness. We may be fellow women, but if you learn what true love is, none of it would ever matter. 

Nard got shocked after hearing the love confessions from the girl. Her fellow girl.

Narda: Who are you? How do you know me? How come you love me even if we never met and known each other?

Despite the doubts, Narda was very amazed by Regina's beauty as she was observing her very beautiful light blue dress. She was also amazed by Regina's highlighted blonde and brunette wavy hair. And her very beautiful eyes. Regina's beauty was the beauty that Narda had never seen before. Of all the beautiful princesses she had seen before, Regina is the top of all of them besides her mother Rose. She even thought to herself that Regina is more beautiful than her. As Regina was professing her love for Narda, Narda wondered who she was that her face looked very familiar. Regina is the Snake Creature who kept her prisoner, that is for Narda to discover.

Regina: Be as true hearted as you are beautiful, and we shall have nothing left to wish for. Who am I? How do I know you? That is for you to discover. 

Narda: What can I do, my Lady? How can I make you happy?

Regina: Just be grateful. And do not trust only what you see. There's something more than meets the eye. And above all, do not abandon me until you have saved me from my punishment I am suffering right now.

Regina said as she was petting her white bunny. Narda was about to ask more questions, but Regina disappeared right in front of her. Then the other beautiful lady appeared in front of her.

Fairy: Dear beautiful Narda Vasilissa, try not to regret all you have left behind you. For you are destined to a better fate. Only do not let yourself be deceived by the appearances.

Narda was about to ask the questions again when the clock suddenly alarmed and woke her up. Turned out it was just a dream. 


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