Chapter 2- Maybe I'm A Little Crazy

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~~~~~Y/n's Pov~~~~~

"Where could he be? He couldn't have gone far"

After waiting around a bit longer I saw him, the white rabbit, he was going into a rabbit hole

"Mr. Rabbit!"

I started sprinting towards him in dedication to not lose him again and followed him

"I'm so glad I found you, I was worried sick that I had surely lost you forever."

Before I could say anything else the rabbit began hopping away squeamishly, I sighed and chased after him

'Why does he keep running away from me? I just want to know what he's late for.'

"Why are you running away? I'm not meaning to scare you, I'm only curious."

The white rabbit responds in a short-breathed sentence

"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"

I roll my eyes in annoyance

"I know that but what's so important you can't stop and say hello?"

Before I got a response I fell down another hole, luckily, my dress was able to keep me from falling forcefully, I would've broken something or worst...

It was dark with lots of space and stuff floating upwards

'How odd.'

"Today has been the weirdest. I can't wait to tell mother about it if I am still able."

I see a lamp and decide to try and turn it on so it can produce some sort of light, which it surprisingly did turn on

As I'm falling I look around, there are mirrors, books, paintings, and clocks, I even landed on a chair at some point

"This is bizarre, mother would never believe me if I told her"

As I finally landed I saw the white rabbit again, I once again went after him


I watched as he went around the corner and go into a small door

As I opened the door, it got smaller and smaller until one finally opened, I managed to squeeze through it with ease

I looked at all the walls that were different colors

"Wow. Curiouser and Curiouser."

I run up to the door that had a red curtain hanging over it, I moved it out of the way and tried turning the handle


I jumped back from the sudden voice that came from the door

"Oh, I beg your pardon. I'm trying to catch up to the white rabbit. I must hurry before-"

"No problem. Although you did give me quite a turn. Rather a good one, Get it? Door? Doorknob? Turn?"

I let out a small laugh to not be rude to the doorknob

"Yes but I really must be going before I lose the rabbit again."

"Well, one good turn deserves another, what can I do for you?"

"I must get through so I can-"

"Sorry, you're much too big. Simply impassable."

"Do you mean impossible?"

"No, impassable. Nothing's impossible."

I sat down furious at the doorknob for speaking such foolish nonsense, I looked back at him

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