Chapter 6 - This Is Too Crazy

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~~~~~ Y/n's pov ~~~~~

When he opened back up the teapot he saw my clothes were too big for my body and fixed them, I was wearing a stunning puffy f/c dress that went just below my knee

I hugged the mad matters hand

"Are you alright? I heard things breaking"

I let go and looked up at the tall ginger-haired man

"Splendid, everything is splendid. Don't worry about me, worry about getting ready to slay"


He then took off his hat and lowered it next to me while smiling

"Your carriage, milady."

I looked at him

"The hat?"

He took a glance at it as if I was stupid to refuse such a ride

"Of course. Anyone can go by horse or rail, but the absolute best way to travel is by the hat. Have I made a rhyme?"

He looks forward uncertain of himself and what he said while I climb on top of the tall green hat

"Oh, I love traveling by hat!"

The mouse then behind jumping excitedly while making their way to where I was

"Mally. Just y/n, please. Fairfarren all!"

Before I could protest, the hatter picked up his hat and started walking away mumbling to himself as I make my way to his shoulder

"Sorry, what was that?"

"What was what?"

I continue staring at him, contemplating if he's gonna continue or not, he does

" 'The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame Jaws that bite and claws that catch! Beware the Jabberwock, my son! And the frumious Bandersnatch!' "

He continues

" 'He took his Vorpal sword in hand The Vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head, He went galumphing back "

He then turns his head in my direction and smiles, causing my heart to leap

"It's all about you, you know."

I take a moment to take in what he just said, he wants to me slay an animal

'That is wrong in so many ways, No way. I ain't killing anything, even if people are counting on me I can't.'

I tune back in

"I'm not saying anything. I don't slay, so put it out of your mind hatter."

After I said that he stops and puts me on the ground and starts walking away

"Tarrant, you can't leave me here."

The hatter then looks back at me in disgust

"You don't slay. Have you any idea what the Red Queen has done? You don't slay."

Part of me felt guilty and heartbroken, he would've just left me here

~~~~~ Hatter's pov ~~~~~

I was feeling so many emotions ever since she arrived, I felt like I'd gone more than entirely mad, impossible

Here she is telling me she doesn't slay, I felt so much anger coming up, it's difficult to keep back

My heart broke as I took her off my shoulder, but she doesn't slay, not even after what the Red Queen has done

My brain and heart wouldn't stop until I was with her, all I could imagine was us futterwacken after the white queen gets her crown back

But, I'm entirely crazy, not stupid

I realized y/n was talking

~~~~~ Y/n's pov ~~~~~

"I couldn't if I wanted to."

I could tell he was zoned out, I didn't want to interrupt, but he makes his way toward me

"You're not the same as you were before."

'What is that supposed to mean?'

"You were much more muchier. You've lost your muchness."

" My 'muchness'? "

He proceeds to poke my chest where my heart was

"In there. Somethings missing."

"Tell me what Red Queen has done hatter."

He shakes his head and begins turning away

"It's not a pretty story."

"Tell me anyway."

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