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The Audition

Hiroyuki POV.

My alarm went off early in the morning. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I climbed to my feet and messed with my already messy black hair.

I stretched my long frame and went to my closet. A knock filled the air. "Hiro?" A little boy voice filled the air. I looked over at the door.

"Yeah Naoki?" I asked in a deep voice.

"Otōsan (??) told me to come see if you were up. You have things to do. Then we have to go to Ouran elementary!" He said with excitement in his voice.

I chucked and grabbed a plaid red, white, and black button up, black slacks, a belt, some converse, a tie, and also a sweater. I set them on the bed and went to the bathroom. "I'll be out in a minute, Oki." I said using my nickname for him. I herd his little feet hit the floor as he walked into the room. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom and started my shower. I washed my long black hair, and my body, then I got out. I looked at myself in the mirror without my wrap.

My hair went past my waistline, and I also had a triangular jawline. I blew dry my hair, and grabbed the boy wig I had. I pulled all of my hair up and put on the wig. I looked in the mirror and straited the wig out. I grabbed the wrap and hummed as I put it on. I walked out of the bathroom and pulled my pants and shirt out. I tucked the shirt in and put the belt on.

I pulled the sweater on, and put on my shoes. I racked my fingers through my black short messy hair and slipped on some lensless glasses .

I opened the door and ran down the mansion stairs. "Hiro!" I herd Naoki shout as he jumped into my arms. I caught him and smiled my signature lop-sided smile. "Cmon Hiro! We have to eat breakfast then go get our supplies!" He yanked me toward the dining room.

On the table were pancakes, coffee, and eggs. I smiled at the of pancakes. I walked in and saw everyone was already seated. "Good morning Hiro." Some said others called me Yuki.

"Good morning everyone." I said as I took my seat at the head of the table. I looked down the table when everyone started talking again. Akio sat next to me with the newspaper in his hand.

Everyone looked excited today. "Oh Hiro! I have gotten the letter from Ouran academy! They said they would like to have you go down to the school and audition. Me too!"

I smiled at her. "Thank you Sasuki." I grinned and scratched my hair to make sure the wig wouldn't fall off. She blushed lightly and smile as she picked at her maids uniform.

Your probably wondering why my maid is sitting with me. Well I always have my workers sit with me. Their like my family. I have my maid's, my chauffer, my chefs, my butlers, and my gardeners sit with me. They also live on the property with me. I provide them with a home and they help me out with household chores. Some of them even have kids. There all younger than me... Except Sasuki. She is a grade or two below me. I'm not gonna lie. She is quiet beautiful, and she keeps my secret well, but she can find someone she loves. I'm just a small crush.

Besides, I have to much secrets to get out of the way before I can enjoy life. But more on that later.
I looked over at my chauffer and dear friend, Akio. He noticed me looking. "What do you need Yuki?"

I just shook my head. "It's nothing." I have a meeting after I try out for Ouran. I ate my pancakes as I listened to the conversations around me.

Everyone was happy. Even little Haru. He was playing with his stuffed bear. Speak of stuffed bear... I looked over at Naoki. His mouth was stuffed with pancakes. I laughed lightly at how cute he looked.

He looked up at me and had this innocent look on his face. I finished up my pancakes and looked at Nao.

"You ready Mr. Boss man?" Hiroto said. I sighed and nodded.

"We on the move!" He exclaimed as me, Sasuki, Naomi, Akio, himself, made our way to the limo. I smiled down at Sasuki and Naomi.

"Where to first?" I asked the brown haired body guard. As far as anyone else was concerned he was an assistant.

Sasuki looked up at me with those lovey dovey eyes. She had changed out of her maid's uniform and was now wearing a cute pink sundress. "Hiro! You still look handsome with those glasses! They looks good on you!" She gushed. She herself had big rimmed glasses that framed her green eyes. She had pulled her brown hair into small pigtails.

I smiled and messed with my hair. I'm surprised she can still come up with compliments. Especially since this has been going on since I got back from my tour last week.

"You look like a beautiful rose in that dress Sasuki." I said as I smiled my signature smile at her. She sighed happily and blushed.

I'm surprised she is still oblivious to the fact that I'm a girl. She keeps denying it, but everyone tells her it's true. She just wanted something to happen between us... maybe if I act 'gay' she will back off.

Oh well. We will find out later. I climbed in and took a seat in the limo. The other climbed in as well. "To the supermarket please Akio." I said. Sasuki sighed dreamily. I sighed and looked at Hiroto. "We still have a meeting to attend, the Ouran audition, and the shopping." I said he nodded. "Make sure the meeting is still going on. I don't need anyone backing down."

He nodded and pulled out his phone and talked in a low voice. I looked out of the window as we passed the small houses and some people that were in the streets. I looked up and saw Akio staring at me. I nodded and looked back out the window to see the supermarket. I opened the door climbed out.

Naoki climbed out after me and pulled me forward. "Let's go!! The faster we go the faster we can get to the school!"

I sweat dropped as he pulled me faster. "Hurry!!! I want to get done so I can hear you play senpai!" He exclaimed.

The limo pulled up to the school. We had went to the elementary first and had filled out all of the paper work.

We walked into Ouran academy. The halls were all empty. So school must have been over. I sighed and walked down the hall.
Naoki was skipping, Sasuki was looking around and spinning, and the rest of us just walked in normally. "I hope I get in." Sasuki said.

"I'm sure you will. Your really smart." I said as I did a lopsided smile. She just squealed and rushed off.

"You shouldn't encourage her." Hiroto said. "She will be harder to get off your back."

I smirked. "Oh but I have a plan. And if that doesn't work... Well I'll think about that later."

The two men just shook their heads. I laughed to myself. The three of us were tall, but they were taller than me. So I had to glance up at them.

We soon made it to a set of double doors that led to a meeting room. We walked in. "Ahh Mr. Unasan. We will talk to you after we talk to Miss. Sasuki." I bowed lightly and walked out into the hall. I leaned against the wall and leaned back casually. I was a bit worried it would take a while, so I looked at the wall. Nothing was really that surprising about this place.

I was just about to lean back against the wall, when a tall blonde turned the corner. I herd Sasuki's footsteps as she walked toward the door. I huffed and pretended to trip myself. Right on time. My arms 'accidentally' pinned the blonde boy to the wall. Gasps filled the air.

I widened my eyes as I stared into the other boys purple eyes. Our faces were so close together that I could smell his breath. I smirked and pushed myself off the wall. "Sorry about that." I said in a seductive voice. "I'm such a klutz sometimes." His mouth was open slightly and he was blushing. I reached forward and closed his mouth. "You'll catch flies if you keep your pretty mouth open like that." I said as I turned and entered the room.

The doors closed behind me, but not before I hear Sasuki's squeal. I deadpanned and stood in the middle of the room. I messed with my hair and looked at the people at the desk.

"Mr. Unasan. If you would please." He motioned to a piano. I nodded. "I am Mr. Suoh. The director. All I need is for you to show us what we have here, and we will discuss if you will make it into the school." He spoke as I took a seat behind the piano. "If you may." He said.

I nodded and began to play. "Ever wonder about what he's doing? How it all turned to lies? Sometimes I think that it's better to never ask why." I closed my eyes as I sang.

"Where there is desire. There is gonna be a flame. Where there is a flame. Someone's bound to get burned. But just because it burns. Doesn't mean you're gonna die. You've gotta get up and try, and try, and try. Gotta get up and try, and try, and try. You gotta get up and try, and try, and try. Eh, eh, eh. Funny how the heart can be deceiving. More than just a couple times. Why do we fall in love so easy? Even when it's not right"

"Where there is desire. There is gonna be a flame." I tried my hardest to get the high notes and I hit them.

"Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned. But just because it burns. Doesn't mean you're gonna die. You've gotta get up and try, and try, and try. Gotta get up and try, and try, and try. You gotta get up and try, and try, and try. Ever worry that it might be ruined. And does it make you wanna cry? When you're out there doing what you're doing, are you just getting by? Tell me are you just getting by, by, by? Where there is desire. There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned, but just because it burns. Doesn't mean you're gonna die. You've gotta get up and try, and try, and try. Gotta get up and try, and try, and try. You gotta get up and try, and try, and try. Gotta get up and try, and try, and try. Gotta get up and try, and try, and try. You gotta get up and try, and try, and try. Gotta get up and try, and try, and try. You gotta get up and try, and try, and try. Gotta get up and try, and try, and try."

I sighed as I finished playing. I looked up at the director, stood up, and bowed. They looked bewildered. I smiled lightly and left. They needed to think if I'm gonna start.

I opened the door and there was a bunch of people walking around in uniforms. The girls wore yellow dresses, and the boys wore blue blazers and slacks.

I'm glad they think I'm a guy. From the looks of it school looked about like it was over. Some people left and some went through some double doors.

Naoki was sniffing around. I raised my brow at him. "I smell sweets!!" He exclaimed and took off running.

"I want some!" Sasuki ran aftet him.

"I'm gonna be late for my meeting." I grumbled as I took off after the two. I didn't hear anyone else coming and I didn't pay attention.


I do not own any of the images, videos, or Ouran Highschool Host Club. I only own some of the little plots. You can see which ones as the story goes on.

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