A World without Hope

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Author's Note: Now, I watched the Joss Whedon's version of the Justice League when it was released in the theatres. It left a bad taste in my mouth.  So I'm rewriting the story to fix the plot holes. Enjoy.

Bruce Wayne stood alone in the dimly lit Batcave, his gaze fixed upon a display case containing a painted old Robin suit. It was a painful reminder of his late adoptive son, Jason Todd, whose death at the hands of the Joker had left an indelible mark on Bruce's soul. The suit lay underneath the glass, a silent testament to a young life cut short, and a symbol of Bruce's own descent into darkness.

"I used to believe there were no good guys anymore," Bruce muttered to himself, his voice tinged with bitterness. "For over 20 years, I've tried to make Gotham a better place so that no boy would lose his parents to some low-life criminal with a gun, and yet nothing changed. It still remained the same cesspool of shit and brimstone."

He clenched his fists, the memories of lost allies and friends flooding his mind. But most importantly, he had lost hope in humanity, until Superman had come into their lives. However, that glimmer of hope had come at a terrible price.

"The world we live in is devoid of hope," Bruce continued, his tone resolute. "The public believes that the age of heroes is over. I disagree. It happened before, and it will happen again."

With a heavy sigh, he turned away from the display case and began ascending the stairs from the Batcave, his mind haunted by the ghost of a young Robin who should have lived to see a brighter Gotham.


Smallville, Kansas

Martha Kent stood in front of the old farmhouse, a foreclosure sign in her hand. The bank had seized the farm due to her inability to pay off the mounting debts she and her late husband, Jonathan, had accrued over the years. Even with Clark's financial assistance, it wasn't enough to save the farm they had worked so hard to maintain.

"Come on, Rusty." she said softly to the loyal collie that Clark had given her on her 50th birthday, urging the dog to hop into the passenger seat of Jonathan's old pickup truck. With one last wistful look at the farm that held countless cherished memories, Martha let out a dejected sigh. She had no choice but to leave the place she had called home for so long, embarking on a journey to an uncertain destination.


Paris, France

Diana, the Amazon Princess, sat alone at a kitchen table in her lavish penthouse in Paris. She stared at a locket containing a faded photograph of her first love, Steve Trevor. The memory of his death during World War I still haunted her, as fresh as if it had happened yesterday. She had tried to honour his memory by dedicating herself to protecting humanity, but the weight of centuries of warfare had taken its toll.

"You'd think that despite it happening over a century ago, you'd learn to move on," Diana mused, her voice filled with melancholy. "But the truth is, you don't really get over the death of a loved one. I remember every detail of what happened—the loss, the crippling anguish, the grief."

She closed the locket with a heavy heart, silently acknowledging that it was Superman who had shown her that despite humanity's flaws, they were still worth protecting.



In the heart of Metropolis, a city that had once reveled in the presence of its protector, there was now a palpable sense of apathy among its citizens. The absence of Superman, who had sacrificed his life to protect humanity, had left a void that seemed impossible to fill. Skepticism and criticism had often overshadowed his noble intentions.

Lois Lane, clutching an engagement ring around her neck, gazed up at the clouded sky. She couldn't help but imagine the love of her life soaring above the city, tirelessly striving to protect the world. His absence weighed heavily on her heart, and she longed for his return, even in the face of overwhelming doubt.

The world had lost its beacon of hope, and those who remained could only yearn for the day when the age of heroes would dawn again.

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