First encounter

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Inside the GCPD headquarters, the atmosphere was as tense as ever, a reflection of the city's perpetual struggle with crime. Commissioner James Gordon, a stalwart figure in the battle against Gotham's darkness, walked alongside Jim Bullock, a seasoned cop known for his willingness to bend the rules.

Bullock, always quick with a comment, remarked on the unusual activity. "Looks like the freaks are out of their usual cages tonight, Commish."

Gordon, who had witnessed the transformation of the GCPD over the years, nodded in agreement. "It's a full moon, Bullock. What'd ya expect? What's on the agenda tonight?"

Bullock handed Gordon a case file, containing intriguing information. "There was something interesting reported just an hour ago," he began. "Sightings of flying monsters by the harbor. These creatures are connected to a series of kidnappings in Metropolis, including Star Labs scientists, one of them being Dr. Silas Stone."

Gordon's weariness showed as he reviewed the sketches of the flying creatures. He couldn't help but briefly ponder a career in dentistry, far less stressful than his current occupation. "Do you suspect the Bat had a hand in this, Commish?" Bullock inquired.

Gordon responded with a hint of exasperation. "After fighting criminals in Gotham for two decades, do you really think he'd suddenly turn to kidnapping? Let's not jump to conspiracies, Bullock. I'll speak to him tonight."


On the rooftop of the GCPD, Commissioner Gordon stood with the Bat-Signal projecting the iconic bat emblem into the stormy Gotham sky. As the clouds swirled around it, the familiar silhouette of Batman appeared, perched on a gargoyle above.

Batman gracefully leaped off the gargoyle and landed on the rooftop, flanked by his newly assembled team: Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Aquaman, the latter taking a casual drag from a cigarette.

Gordon, noticing the addition of these new faces, furrowed his brow. "How many of you are there?"

Batman, his voice altered by a voice distortion device in his suit, replied, "Not enough. You wanted to see me, Jim?"

Gordon presented a file containing a sketch of a flying creature resembling Batman. "How do I know you're not involved in this?"

Batman, ever the detective, assured Gordon with a simple deduction. "If you'd believed that, you would've had SWAT teams the moment I came here."

Gordon nodded, satisfied with the response. "Just wanted to be sure."

Batman took the file from Gordon's hand and started examining the reports. "What's this all about?"

Gordon explained, "Over the past week, there's been a series of abductions of high-ranking scientists and employees from Star Labs in Metropolis. The most recent is Dr. Silas Stone, who was reported missing after he failed to show up for work the next day."

Wonder Woman chimed in, "And no one has claimed responsibility?"

Gordon shook his head. "No, there's more to this than meets the eye. Dozens of witnesses all over Gotham described a physical appearance that resembled the suspect responsible for the kidnappings in Metropolis."

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The team discussed the situation, Wonder Woman was quick to point out, "Parademons. They must have picked up the scent of a Mother Box."

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