Assemble the Team

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AN: This story is a mix of theatrical and director's cut minus the botched dialogue and awful moments.


Lois Lane sat at her kitchen table, staring at the screen of her laptop, struggling with the dreaded writer's block that every journalist feared. It was a frustrating moment, as she grappled with creative issues and found herself unable to come up with ideas for her next article. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard, but inspiration remained elusive.

Just then, a knock at the door broke the silence, and Lois welcomed the interruption. Setting aside her laptop, she went to open the door, her curiosity piqued. The surprise on her face was evident when she saw who stood on her doorstep.

"Martha? What are you doing here?" Lois greeted her, her voice a mix of surprise and warmth.

Martha Kent, the matriarch of the Kent family, smiled sheepishly. Her faithful dog, Rusty, brushed against her leg. "I was, uh, hoping if you had a spare room."

It had been some time since Lois and Martha had seen each other in person, the last time being at Clark's funeral in Smallville the year before. However, they had maintained regular contact, so Martha's unexpected visit raised questions.

Taking a moment to process Martha's request, Lois finally nodded. "Of course, Martha. Come in."


Lois returned to the living room, carrying two cups of freshly brewed coffee. She set one cup in front of Martha, who had taken a seat on the couch, while Rusty lounged nearby.

Martha sighed as she sipped her coffee, her expression a mix of resignation and gratitude. "I couldn't keep up with paying off the loans, so I had no choice but to sell the farm to avoid foreclosure," she explained. "And I've been recently diagnosed with arthritis in my knee joints. It's pretty much bone on bone."

Lois offered her sympathy, her heart going out to Martha. She had heard from Clark about Martha's financial difficulties and health issues, but seeing her in this situation was another matter. "I'm so sorry to hear that," Lois said sincerely. "Is there anything the doctors can do for it?"

Martha shook her head sadly. "There's no cure for getting old, Lois." She appreciated the concern but accepted the reality of her situation. "I should be on a beach somewhere on a tropical island, enjoying a drink, rather than worrying about the next payment." Martha tried to lighten the mood with a wistful smile. "Besides, 35 years is long enough. It's not been the same since..."

Her voice trailed off, and she faltered for a moment, unable to finish the sentence. Lois understood the unspoken words. "Since Clark," she added softly.

A somber silence enveloped them as they remembered the man who had been known to the world as Superman but to them had simply been Clark Kent, the farm boy from a small town in Kansas.

Just then, Lois's phone buzzed, startling them both. "Excuse me," she said apologetically and walked to the kitchen to answer the call. As Lois conversed with the person on the other end of the line, Martha's thoughts drifted back to happier days.

She remembered a younger Clark running around the grass, wearing a makeshift red cape and having an innocent, carefree joy in his eyes as he played in the front yard of their farm. Martha and Jonathan had watched him from the front porch, their hearts filled with love and pride.

Martha sighed, her gaze shifting to the window as she missed her late husband. "Oh, Jonathan," she whispered to herself. "I could really use your guidance right now."



Bruce Wayne watched attentively as his new ward, Carrie Kelly, went through her rigorous training regimen in the Batcave. Her dedication and progress were impressive, reminding him of his own journey to becoming Batman. He couldn't help but reflect on how they had met.

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