Chapter 9: Lies and Deception

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Lusteria POV

FRAG! What was wrong with me?! Yelling at everyone like that; they didn't understand. My forehead was against the wall in frustration. As the door creaked open, I quickly turned to see who it was. Smokescreen's eyes were full of sadness as he entered the room.

"Smokescreen! I-" I started.

He lifted his hand up to stop me, "It's alright. I should have been thinking before I said that. I bet you and Min have gone through a lot."

"No- I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." His optics widened. "Even though Min and I have gone though some things; that doesn't give me the right to yell at you all."

He smiled slightly. "Thanks... but- what exactly happened? Did you know Knockout before you met us?"

I flinched, "I- I was friends with him during the war. But he backstabbed me ever since he joined the decepticons."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." He placed his hand on my shoulder.

I smiled softly as I pulled his hand into mine. "It's fine. He's a jerk anyway, he doesn't need to be in my life anymore."

"That's true! You have us now after all." He grinned.

I grinned before I leaned in to plant a kiss on his cheek. As i pulled back, he looked at me dumbfounded; i just gazed back at him.

"Alright!" I put my hand on his shoulder, "Get out, a woman needs her space."

"Wait what-" he inquired before I pushed him out of the room.

I guess I did like him after all. But soon my smile turned into a frown. He would never feel the same way back if he found out the truth.

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