Chapter 14: The Suffering

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Warning: Violence, short chapter

Lumin POV:

In the Nemesis....

I winced as my back hit the cold floor of the torture room. They chained both of my wrists and my ankles for me to face Megatron.

"What do you want from me?" I yelled.

Megatron grinned so that I could see his sharp fangs, "Well you've gotten a lot more feisty since the last time I saw you..." he then gestured to Knockout for a staff. He took it in his hand then turned back to me. "Now...where's are the Autobots hiding?"

"As if I would ever tell you-" I smirked at him, but was interrupted with a scream of pain as the staff electrocuted me in the side.

It hurt- it hurt- it hurt!

Tears started to fill my eyes, energon trailed down from my lip.

Megatron seemed amused, "It seems like the young ones' bodies are more fragile than what I'm used to." He then handed the staff to Knockout, "I will leave this up to you...."

"Yes, my dear master~" Knockout

I gulped, I didn't know what was going to happen to me.

Few Hours later

I panted in exhaustion. Tears were rolling down my face as energon was spilling from my side. My side hurt so much.

"I wonder if I should give you another the one on your back." He whispered behind me into my audio receptors.

I grit my teeth as he scratched the paint off of my arm. My whole body was so numb- I could see energon drops on the room floor.

Lus....Bee.....where are you?

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