Dearest lover

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"Cas?" I questioned stepping closer to him shaking..

"Rae! Fuck it happened- oh god's wait are you shit!" Caspian said, tears going down his face as he kept swearing under his breath as he cuddled into me. "The skulk is gone." He mumbled into my shirt.

"Yeah it's gone I can cuddle you and love you till the end now. God's we missed you!" I laughed holding him close as he started laughing.

"You adventured without me! Your stealing my thing." He laughed looking up at me.

"Not just that, I also got lost like you too." I laughed back as he gasped in offence then broke into laughter.

"So, the world reset again.." he said looking around us.

"Yeah, but hay atleast we have Athena." I said laughing and smiling at him god's know I ain't letting go.

"Yeah! Uncle duo!" He cheered.

I couldn't help but laugh but we both heard clapping as I looked up at the sound I realised it was Athena and Will who were clapping...

"Yay! Oh there so cute!" Athena cheered. "New uncle." They laughed running up and cuddling into us as we laugh.

"Congrats, though it's pretty late wanna stay at our house Rae?" Will asked leaning in the door way.

"Sure, give me a sec thought." I said pulling out my Com and messaging Aax.

"Okay..done let's go." I said getting up while pulling Cas with me.

"Yea, I need my sleep." Athena said being pulled up by Cas.

"Yep goodnight." Will said walking inside yawning.

I laughed, letting Cas bring me inside..I missed reminds me of when we were so unaware..let's hope Cas remembers everything I don't think I could take it trying to explain somethings to him..

Let's not think about it!

"Rae, do you think we could sleep together?" Cas asked.

"Of course! I know how much it hurt last time for you to not have me. I think we both lost sleep." I laughed getting on the bed and patting beside me with a smile.

"Yeah, your right. Goodnight Rae. I love you." Cas said holding me close.

Goodnight I thought falling asleep.

Mind of a Morningstar Where stories live. Discover now