taste testing

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Me and wolf have been sat laughing as I tried tea, coffee and a few pastries. He looked amazing.. like usual! Nothing gay here...heheh.. damnit.

"You sure you're feeling better?" Wolf asked turning his head to the side like Atlas making me giggle slightly.

"I think, I'm not really in pain...but the skulk, have you seen any? I don't have any on me and the antler got caught and snapped in the reset.." I asked looking down at my chest.

"No not really, in all fairness I haven't tried looking maybe we should ask around? Perix could be around and I think we all know how dangerous that could be." Wolf said looking up at me with worry.

"Maybe we put something on the notice board?" I said looking up to meet his eyes.

"Mhm, but Rae do you mind if I check you? I know I'm no doctor I think your more of one than I am but I wanna be sure." Wolf asked tone light.

"Sure? I haven't actually so it might help." I said as I lifted up my shirt. "The furthest it went was my chest mainly my scar." I mumble as I took my shirt of.

I had noticed the lack of my cape when I woke up this morning knowing that it was probably Aax who had taken it.

"Nothing I can see.." wolf mumbled looking at my face and down to my chest..I probably was bright red..

"That's good!" I mumble putting my shirt back on.

We sat and talked as wolf rushed around the kitchen as he forgot about a batch of croissants.

I put my hand up to my head being met with a small horn...

Hopefully my power is nothing like theirs..

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