Chapter 1

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Izuku Midoriya, someone you would call an ordinary kid. He didn't have muscles making his shirt nearly burst, nor was he a stick. He was right in the middle, he was plain by nearly everyone's standards. He hadn't led the best life, far from it. He had once lived with his mother in an apartment, that too was plain, he even had a quirk, though this was the only thing about him no one would ever agree was plain. His Scarab was wonderful, it was a bright blue and it's metalic surface shone in the sunlight. It was even sentient, quickly becoming his best friend.

Now, well now he was homeless. His mother had been killed by villains who had heard of his quirk and wanted it for themselves, believing that they could take the Scarab from his back and use it themselves. Though that was a very long time ago. Izuku was sat in an alleyway just behind a restaurant.

Scarab: 'Izuku. You must eat, your body fat is dangerously low.'

Izuku: 'Well when I find something I'll eat it. Thanks Scarab.'

Scarab: 'Well, perhaps if you went inside and took some fo-'

Izuku: 'No. I will not steal. I appreciate the thought, but I won't.'

Scarab: 'But Izuku! You need to ea-'

Then a door near them slammed open, and a large man in an apron walked outside.

Izuku: 'Please don't see me.'

Scarab: 'I apologize. Invisibility isn't one of my abilities.'

The man started to look around, seemingly already knowing what he was looking for. It wasn't until he stopped and Izuku followed his gaze that he understood. His position in the alley was being monitored by an outdoor security camera. The man's gaze then followed that of the camera's down to Izuku. Seeing the dirty green haired boy made him angry, how dare someone like him scare away customers.

Owner: *Yelling* "You! Boy! Get out of here, scram! Do it before I put you in my next soup!"

Izuku started scrambling to get away but before he could, something was wrapped around him. Not having the energy to fight, he just turned to see where it came from, the roof. On the roof was a man, no, not just a man, a hero.

???: "Really? My first day shift in a month and I have to deal with this?"

He jumped down and landed infront of Izuku.

???: "Stay here, I'll deal with you in a minute."

He released Izuku, who did as he was told. The man then walked over to the owner.

???: "Now you. I should arrest you right now."

Owner: *Yelling* "What!? Why!?"

The man pinched his nose and sighed.

???: "Threatening a homeless person with death should be enough. But is that a knife I see? Intent to harm and attempted murder could be a couple charges put on you."

Owner: *Yelling* "What!? He was the one in space! I have every right to do this!"

The man shook his head.

???: "Look. You may own this restaurant, but you don't own any of this alley where he was. Now I suggest you go back inside and wait for the police."

The owner nodded in both anger and fear before going back in. The hero walked back over to Izuku while mumbling something about irrationality. After stopping infront of Izuku, he could finally see the hero more clearly. The man was wearing a scarf, which is what was used to restrain him, and yellow shutter goggles which he removed to reveal tired eyes.

Izuku: "I-I'm s-sorry. I j-just wanted a-a place to s-sleep."

???: "Look kid. Let's get you out of here, okay?"

Izuku looked at him confused.

Izuku: "What? Why?"

???: "You heard me. Let's go. I want to hear why you're out here alone."

He grabbed Izuku's wrist and dragged him from the alley.

Izuku: "But I'm not alone, I've got Scarab! Besides I don't even know your name!"

This made the hero pause.

???: "Scarab? You wouldn't just so happen to be related to the Midoriyas, would you?"

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: "I'm Izuku Midoriya. Who are you?"

The man mumbled something else, but this time Scarab was able to make Izuku hear it using nanotech to enhance his hearing.

???: *Mumbling* "Of course it's her son." *Normal* "C'mon, I can tell you once we're alone."

He continued to pull Izuku around the city, stopping to get some food on the way. An hour later and they finally stopped infront of an apartment building.

???: "Let's go."

This time Izuku followed the man. They went up to the fifth floor before finally entering an apartment. Izuku noted the orange cat laying on the couch but before he could take in anything else, he was pulled over to a table. The man sat across from him.

Izuku: "What's going on?"

???: "You need to know something, Izuku."

This made Izuku weirded out, he didn't know the man at all but he was already using his first name. What was going on?

???: "My name is Shota Aizawa, my hero name is Eraserhead. And Inko Midoriya was my sister."

Izuku: 'What'

Scarab: 'The'

Both: 'Fuck!?'

Shota: "By your reaction, I can already guess you realized me and her show no resemblance. That's because she was adopted. Her original mother gave her to my family, saying that she had an enemy that would user her against her or something, that's all I heard. You wouldn't remember me as I couldn't visit due to hero work. I'm sorry I couldn't find you."

Izuku was shocked, but as he looked around, seeing old family pictures of the man's family with his mother in each of them, he could tell he was telling the truth. He started crying. The man, or Uncle Shota, ran around the table.

Shota: "Are you okay!?"

Izuku nodded and looked up with a smile, tears still flowing down his face.

Izuku: "I'm just so happy. I finally have more family than just Scarab."

Shota wasn't expecting it, but Izuku lunged at him with a hug. The boy's heart had been filled with hope, now he would strive to share that hope with the world.

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