Chapter 9

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Izuku entered the classroom at the end of the day to grab his bag. As he did so, he thought back to his battle training match earlier that day. He couldn't take his mind off of one thing, or person, Bakugo. He seemed so familiar, like a memory of him was there, but not. Like it was just visible enough to know it was there, but not enough to make anything out. Shaking it from his mind, Izuku picked up his bag and walked out of the classroom.

He began to walk down the hall when he was suddenly pulled into one of the men's bathrooms. He whipped around to find Bakugo was the one who pulled him aside. The explosive boy narrowed his eyes.

Bakugo: "Do I know you?"

Izuku: "I was gonna ask you the same thing."

Bakugo pushed him.

Bakugo: "Don't play games with me. Do. I. Know. You?"

Izuku: "I'm not playing Bakugo. I don't know if we know each other, you're just very familiar to me."

Bakugo paused.

Bakugo: "Like a missing memory?"

Izuku nodded and Bakugo passed once more before grabbing Izuku's wrist.

Bakugo: "Come with me."

Izuku: "Why?"

Bakugo: "Maybe my mom will recognize you. She's better at recognizing faces than I am."

Izuku wrenched his arm from Bakugo's grip.

Izuku: "Alright, just don't drag me there. I can walk on my own."

Bakugo scoffed and began walking with Izuku following close behind. This again felt familiar, and by the look Bakugo sent his way, he felt it too. Izuku sent Shota a text as they left UA.

Izuku: -Hey, Uncle Sho. Something's come up so I won't be home till later.-

Shota: -What is it?-

Izuku: -I'm not entirely sure. I'll tell you about it when I get back.-

He could hear the tired sigh his uncle was definitely producing at the moment.

Shota: -Just don't stay out too late.-

Izuku put his phone away to find he and Bakugo were at a train station. He followed Bakugo on and sat next to him. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Bakugo spoke up.

Bakugo: "This is fucking weird."

Izuku chuckled.

Izuku: "You don't say."

A frown appeared on his face.

Izuku: "Though it's only really weird for you."

Bakugo glanced over.

Bakugo: "How so, nerd?"

Familiarity flooded their brains again.

Izuku: "Bakugo, do you know about repressed memories?"

Bakugo: "Yeah. The brain locks away memories to protect itself. It usually happens after the person goes through a shit ton of trauma."

Izuku: "Exactly. I don't want to get into details, but I'm just gonna say, I have a reason for some of my memories being repressed. Hell, the only reason I even know what happened is because of my quirk. But that leaves one question, why are our memories of each other repressed?"

Bakugo shrugged.

Bakugo: "We probably saw each other at some terrible car accident or something."

Izuku: "Except we both know that isn't true Bakugo. Think about it. We wouldn't be this familiar with each other if it was a passing glance during an accident. We must've at least gone to school together."

Bakugo: "What makes you say that?"

Izuku: "We both felt that feeling when I was behind you. Elementary kids walk in lines like that all the time."

Bakugo stayed silent. Apparently he was tired of talking because he didn't open his mouth again the whole train ride. Once they got off and left the station, Bakugo began to lead Izuku down many streets, streets Izuku found VERY familiar.

Izuku: "I... I know these roads. I used to live near here!"

Bakugo still said nothing as he eventually led Izuku to a nice, middle-class looking home. He walked up to the door, took out his keys, and opened it.

Bakugo: *Yelling* "Old Hag! I need you down here!"

He then politely moved out of the way for Izuku to enter. They took off their shoes and left their bags near the door.

???: *Yelling* "Brat!"

Bakugo: "Sir down, quick."

They moved to the living room as someone could be heard rushing down the stairs. Then a woman who looked very similar to Bakugo rushed out of the staircase with an angry expression on her face. She whipped her head around to look at the couch, just for her expression to soften from anger to general annoyance once she saw she had a guest.

???: "Oh, hey there. Are you a friend of my brat's?"

Izuku shrugged.

Izuku: "That's what I'm here to find out."

Her face then grew a confused look on her face before looking to Bakugo.

???: "Katsuki, what's going on?"

Bakugo: "Exactly what the bastard said."

She walked over and smacked him on the head.

???: "We DO NOT call our guests names Katsuki!"

She then turned to Izuku.

???: "Sorry about him. I'm Mitsuki Bakugo. My husband is out shopping right now so he can't meet you properly."

Izuku smiled.

Izuku: "It's fine."

She then sat down in a chair across from them.

Mitsuki: "Now, can you two explain what's going on here?"

After half an hour of an explanation not even the two boys were sure of, they finished.

Mitsuki: "So you two have repressed memories of each other? And seeing and doing certain actions are clearing them up somewhat?"

Izuku: "Yeah, that's the gist of it."

Mitsuki: "That's, weird. But I'll see how I can help. First thing's first, what's your name?"

Izuku: "Izuku Midoriya. My mother was Inko Midoriya.

This seemed to strike something within the woman as Mitsuki got up and rushed over.

Mitsuki: "Little Izuku!? That's you!?"

Izuku: "You know me?"

Mitsuki quickly hugged the boy.

Mitsuki: "I am so sorry I couldn't find you!"

Izuku: "How do you know me!?"

Mitsuki let go of him.

Mitsuki: "Right, repressed memories. I guess I should start explaining. It starts back when me and your mother were in High School."

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