5- The Baking Challenge

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At first I thought I was laying in my bed, but I felt a body next to me. When I opened my eyes, I saw I was laying next to someone. It was more like someone was spooning me. I rolled over and saw it was Gavi I was laying next to. I jumped a little and quickly got out of his arms. I stood up and started to pace around the room. I didn't remember falling asleep and I certainly didn't remember falling asleep next to Gavi. Don't get me wrong I wasn't mad, I just didn't know if I was ready. I just got out of a relationship and it was super draining, I just don't know if jumping into another one would be the right thing.

I was pacing around the room when I decided that it wasn't working, so I walked into the kitchen to get water. When I walked into the kitchen I saw Pedri standing there. When he saw me he chuckled a little bit. I didn't really know that well, so I didn't know why he was laughing. "What?" I giggled back at him. "Oh nothing. Just Gavi." He responded to me. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he signaled me to sit down.

I warmed up to him pretty fast. We were laughing and joking like we had been best friends since we were little. After a while of this, we decided that we wanted to have a baking challenge. I don't know what led us to do it, but all I know is that when Gavi woke up and walked into the kitchen, he found us covered in cake mix and frosting.

"What is going on?" He asked as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Gavi's POV

"What is going on?" I asked as I looked at the scene in front of me. The kitchen was a mess of ingredients and people covered in ingredients. "Baking challenge." Jules giggled to me as she turned to a cake. I watched her as she concentrated on frosting the cake. I sat down and we kept talking to them as they finished up.

When they were done, they both looked at me with creepy smiles on their faces. "What?" I asked them because they were low key scaring me. "You will be the judge," Pedri said and Jules nodded in agreement. They both slid me a slice of cake and I ate it slowly making sure to taste every flavor. I cracked a smile, but tried to hide it as I made my decision. "Sorry Pedri, I pick Jules," I said as I walked over and put an arm around her shoulder. "What happened to bros before hoes?" He jokingly said as he punched me in the shoulder.

"YAY!!! I WIN!!!!" Jules cheered as she jumped around the kitchen celebrating. "You owe me, let's go." She pointed at Pedri. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys. "Where are we going?" I asked as I followed them out of the kitchen and to the door. They just looked at me and walked outside. I followed them out and we all got in the car.

We drove for a while quietly and everytime I looked back she had a stpid smile on her face. We pulled up to a restaurant and hopped out. Only then did she speak, "He owes me a dinner of choice and since you picked me, your's is on him too." I laughed and looked back at Pedri who nodded in her direction and ade kissing hand gestures. I rolled my eyes and waved him off.

We were walking down the street to the doors. Jules had run ahead and was doing a celebration dance, when I saw another flash. I looked back at Pedri to see what I was imagining, but the look on his face said I wasn't. "Son of bitch," I said under my breath as I ran up to her. Pedri ran up behind me and we shielded her from both sides. Her face dropped as she looked at the both of us. "What is going on?" She asked as she looked at the expressions on our faces. I looked deep into her icy blue eyes and froze. My breath was actually taken away and I couldn't speak. She just kept looking at me concerned. Luckily Pedri spoke up and she broke eye contact, "paparazzi."

I put my hand up to cover her face as we walked into the restaurant and were seated. We were put in a booth and I scooted in next to her and she grabbed my hand. "I am sorry. I am just scared. I don't know how you guys put up with it." She said as she squeezed my hand tighter. I put my arm over her shoulder and she leaned into me.

The good news is that the tension didn't stay long. After we ordered our food, we went back to laughing and joking around about dumb stuff that in hindsight, didn't make sense. We finished eating and made sure to be careful as we walked out of the restaurant to the car. We ended up driving her home because her mom had called her and needed her home.

When we pulled up to her house we both hopped out. I grabbed her bag of clothes from the trunk and handed it to her. We said goodnight to each other and she started to walk up to her house. "Wait!!" I yelled at her. She turned around and looked at me concerned. "Would you come to my game on Saturday?" I asked her and I tried to assess what she was thinking. "Yes'' She responded with a big smile on her face. She stepped closer to me and kissed me on the cheek. The butterflies in my stomach started going crazy as she backed up and I walked into her house. Even after she was long gone, I still stood there replaying the feeling of her soft lips on my cheek and the smell of shampoo as her hair got close to my face.

Jules' pov

I walked into the house and was met with my mother sitting on the couch. "Hey sweetie" she said as I walked over and flopped down. "Going to a barça game this weekend. Is that ok?" I asked her even though I knew the answer. "Ofc" she said, calming me down as she rubbed the back of my that I had placed in her lap.


I woke up today with nothing to do. I got dressed and hopped in my car with no end point in mind. I pulled up to a cute little coffee shop and hopped out. I walked in and ordered a latte. After I did that and paid, I walked over to the corner to wait. I was just sitting on my phone mindlessly scrolling when a guy started coughing next to me. He wouldn't cover his mouth and I was scared to move. I just kind of stood there holding my breath as he did this. Luckily, his name was called pretty quickly and the second he walked away, I pulled out my hand sanitizer.


I was having a pretty chill day just walking around the city. I had stopped in some restaurants and tried some new food. I also shopped for some clothes. The main thing on my mind was what I was going to wear tomorrow to the game. I came across many barça stores, but nothing hit the way I wanted it to. I was actually mid shopping when it hit me. I grinned because I knew exactly how I was going to cause some trouble at the game. Nothing major, just a little joke! 

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