15-Addison Miller

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A/N: Thank you for being understanding with the delay in posting this chapter. I have planned the next little bit of the book and look forward to seeing if you like it!

Feel free to share suggestions anytime you want. I love to see what you guys want to see happen to Jules!

Addison Miller. The name of my best friend and worst enemy. She was the one who turned all my friends on me and made my life hell. I hated her with every bone in my body. On the other hand she was a sweet girl in 2nd grade who would bake me cupcakes every friday. She was the same girl who stood by me when I was bullied in middle school. I loved her with every bone in my body.

*RING*RING*RING*RING* The sun was shining through the slits on my white silk curtains. I kept my head pointed towards the pillow as I felt around for my phone. When I feel the cold metal in my hands. I picked it up and answered it without looking at who was calling. I assumed it would be Gavi or my little sister, but when I heard a familiar voice that belonged to a complicated teenage girl, I sat up. "Addison?" I asked genuinely dumb founded that she had called me. "Hey Jules! I was calling because I am coming into town this week and I think we need to talk," she responded from the other line. A lump in my throat formed. I hoped it would be for good reasons, but with everything that has happened in the last year, I wouldn;t be surprised if it wasn't.

We made plans to go to dinner next weekend. I told her about a restaurant and it seemed to peak her interest. Once we were done with that we said our goodbyes and hung up. I was just left sitting there in my dimly lit room, questioning everything.


I was sitting in a booth at our agreed upon place. I had just sent a text to Gavi telling him I was okay before putting my phone on DND. I was fidgeting around with my hands because I was so nervous. I was focused on my thumbs when I felt a presence next to me. I looked up to see that same girl who I loved and hated. "Hi." I said awkwardly, not knowing if she was here on good terms or bad. She shot me one of her beautiful smiles and leaned down to hug. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. With all the changes in my life, it was nice to have my best friend back.

We separated and she sat down across from me. It was silent while we looked over the menus, but after we ordered she started to talk to me about everyone back home. It sounded like everyone was doing good. I wasn;t really paying attention to her. I was staring at her face and thinking about all the times she made me cry myself to sleep and all the times she made me laugh so hard, I peed.

The night went on really well. We had taken to time to talk about what had happened between us and started to patch up things. "I love you," She said as she stared right into my eyes. After she said that, I couldn't hold back and just started to cry. She saw me crying and started to cry too. To anyone around us we probably looked insane. Just two teenage girls crying.

We were mid crying and I could feel the salt sliding down my face and burning the sides of my mouth. I glanced over at the door and was confused. I rubbed the tears away to see if my eyes were telling me the truth. Mikky and Frenkie were waiting to get seated. I guess they could feel someone looking at them because they both looked over at me at the same time. Mikky's face went from a smile to concern when she saw me crying. I could see the mom instinct kick in as she ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. Frenkie trailed not far behind her and sat down next to me. He lightly rubbed my arm to calm me down.

I looked up to Addison's face and had a look of shock on it. "You know them?" She asked me as she gestured to the two of them. I nodded and she started to laugh. We both had tears in our eyes, but now we were two teenage girls laughing while two famous people sat next to us. "You never told me that you knew Barcelona players. I didn;t really know how to respond. There was a part of me that didn't want her to know because I wanted to see if she wanted to patch things up because she liked me or because she wanted my fame. Now that I saw that it was the first option, I started to explain.

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