28- SUPRISE!!!!

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A/N: I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD... maybe. If I ever don't post on time just go look at my profile because usually I keep you guys updated (follow too while you are there.... hint hint). Anyways enjoy!

Gavi's Pov

We had an away game at Getafe this weekend. We were standing at Camp Nou next to the bus. I had already given my bag to the driver and he stuffed it in the baggage area. Once I did, I turned around and walked over to Jules who was standing off to the side. When I walked over to her, she smiled and put her arms around my neck. "Good luck lover boy!" She said to me and kissed me. We pulled back and I looked her in the eyes. "If I score, look out because I have a special celebration for you," I whispered to her. This time I leaned and kissed her. We heard whoops behind us and turned around to see the whole team staring at us. I rolled my eyes and started to walk over to them, but I felt her hand around my wrist. "One more," She quickly shot out and leaned in for one more kiss. God this girl made me crazy.

After I said goodbye to her, I walked over to the team to board the bus. Ansu slapped my booty and Pedri gave me a look. I just rolled my eyes and went to find a seat. I plopped down and pulled out my phone. I saw that Jules had already texted me. "I love you". My heart stopped. We knew we loved each other, but no one had ever said it. "I love you too" is what I said back and sent it. I immediately turned my phone off and stuffed it back into my bag. I felt a sense of completion knowing that she finally said it to me.


We got to our hotel late Friday night. Pedri and I decided to go grab something quick to eat. Jules hadn't texted me in a couple of hours. I usually wouldn't care, but her sister and mom were away again and I was scared about her being at home alone. I pulled my phone out and opened our messages, but Pedri pulled it away from me. "Give her space," she said sternly as he stuffed my phone into his pocket because he knew I would text her if he didn't.

Jules' Pov

I woke up this morning alone. I decided to have a little self care day while I passed time before the game. I pulled out some workout clothes and made a shake for myself. I didn't really want to go to the gym, but I hadn't gone in a while and you could tell that I was out of shape. I went there and had a pretty mid workout. Nothing big happened. After I did that, I went to get some coffee and then go back home. I was sitting on my couch in the silence of my home while I waited. Seeing that it was 9 am, I knew I would have a lot of waiting to do.

I was sitting there when It suddenly hit me, I pulled out my phone and looked at how far it was away from the stadium. I smiled when I saw the number and ran up to grab my jersey.

Gavi's Pov

The game was about to start and we were all getting hype in the locker room. Real Madrid had lost their game yesterday so we had to win this to go up 12 points on them. All the guys were dancing and chatting while they got dressed, but my eyes were glued on my phone. I was waiting for a text from Moles that she was already watching pre match coverage, but I never got it.

At this point it was time to go out on the field. I sighed and put my zip up on and walked out. I let the sun shine on me and rid me of all my negative thoughts. We were standing there in our line up when I heard Raphiña laughing next to me. I shoot him a dirty look and he tries to stop. After a good amount of time , I angrily asked him, "what?" He just points to someone in the stands. I shifted my gaze to see that Jules was in the front row. I almost screamed she wasn;t supposed to be here, but I wasn't mad at all. After we took the team photo I ran over to the bench and pretended that I needed to ask Xavi something, but really I leaned over the bar and Gave her a kiss. "Surprise!" She giggled to me and I winked as I ran back onto the field.


The game ended up being a 0-0 draw and all the boys were unhappy. I walked into the locker room and saw that she texted me. She was asking what hotel we were staying in and that she would meet me there. I was so excited to get there. I cleaned up and packed up quickly while everyone else was going super slow. I just sat in the bus and thought about the game, jules, and jules.

Like an hour later everyone was finally ready to and the bus pulled out as we made the short drive to the hotel. Xavi told us that there would be a dinner for us later on and to go up and shower. I ran up to my room and flung the door open.

I ran around the room looking for her. I could hear her giggles, but I couldn't find the location of them. After searching the whole room, there was only one place left and that was the closet. I ran over to it and flung the door open. I saw her standing there and didn't hesitate to pick her up. I carried her over to the bed and threw her on it. I crawled on top of her and laid my head on her slightly exposed stomach. Her hands went straight to my hair and she rubbed my head. "Why did you come?" I asked genuinely curious. "I wanted to come see it and I knew you wanted to see me," She quietly responded. Her hands were in my hair and her voice was soothing. I could have fallen asleep right there, but there was knocking on the door.

I groaned and got off of her to answer it. I opened it to see that Ansu and Ferran were there because we were going to go down and eat dinner together. "Hold on, one second," I said to them as I grabbed a hoodie to pull over my sweaty warm ups I was wearing. Jules jumped off the bed and ran past the boys to the elevator. They looked at me and then at her confused. "She surprised me!" I exclaimed. I left them in the dust and ran over to her. She jumped on my back and I gave her a piggyback all the way down to the dinner area.

The whole team was happy to see Jules and I could tell that they were shooting looks at each other. They were all obsessed with our relationship. They all thought it was so cute. Hey! I would much rather have everyone love it too much than hate it. I grabbed my food and went to sit down at a table. Jules came over and sat next to me. She started to tug on my hoodie signaling that she wanted it for herself. I reluctantly took it off and handed it to her. Since she was smaller than me, it almost ate her. It was super oversized and it took a second for her to get situated. We happened to be sitting on a booth-like bench and scooted right up next to me and put her head on my shoulder again. I leaned my cheek on the top of her head. I was so thankful that she had done this because I barely survived last night without her.

We all finished eating, but stayed where we were and enjoyed each other's company without the stress of a football match. We had been there for a couple of hours and it was super late at night. I had leaned back and Jules had ended up asleep in my lap. I was lightly rubbing the side of her leg as I carried out a conversation with Pedri and Ansu. I could tell that she had a long day and decided to join her in slumber. I said goodbye to the boys and picked her up. I carried her all the way up to the room and set her on the bed. I stepped away for a second to take a shower and get my bearings on life. After that I happily joined her in the bed and fell asleep soon after that. 

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