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"Jules please come downstairs" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I threw my phone to the side of me and sighed. I sat up and rolled out of bed. I made my way downstairs and found my mom sitting in the living room all stiff and serious. When I walked in she pointed to the couch and I walked over to sit down. By the way she was acting I thought maybe someone had died or was dying.

"Your father called." She said to me with a cold and lifeless tone. Great, even worse than death. I sat there and waited for her to go on. When she picked up on my signals she continued. "He wants to go out to dinner with you and I think you should do it." My blood went cold. I knew that I would have to do it, but I didn't want to with a burning passion. I put my head in my hands and rubbed my eyes until I started to see colors again.

My mom got up and rubbed my head before leaving me to think. I just sat there and thought. The only thought in my mind was Gavi. I walked upstairs to my room and picked up my phone to call him.

I counted each ring and on the 4th one he picked up. "Jules.....what's wrong?" He asked, concerned. "I need you." I responded all choked up. I heard the car he was in speed up and the line went dead.

Gavi's POV

"I need you" She said and I could tell she had been crying. I changed directions and sped over to her house. I didn't have to knock anymore because her whole family loved me. I just burst through the door and ran up to her room.

"You said you needed me," I exclaimed as I pretty much broke down the door. She sat up and wiped her eyes. "My dad wants me to go to dinner with him and I want you to come with" She sniffled. I walked over and sat in her desk chair to think. Why can't she just say no to him. "Of course I will go" I responded and walked over to her bed.

I flopped onto it and pulled out the remote to turn on the TV. We were almost done with the show and I was eager to see how it ended. I observed as we watched the show she kept fidgeting and shifting around. I put my hands on hers to calm her down. She pulled her hand out and laid down. I just stared at her lying in the bed. I couldn't help but feel bad. I don't why I did though because I had been treating her great.

Jules' POV

I put white baggy pants and a white corset. I was trying to hold back tears of anger knowing that I would have to face the man who ruined my life. 

My dad had never directly hurt me, he actually treated me like a princess when I was a kid, but he hurt my mom

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My dad had never directly hurt me, he actually treated me like a princess when I was a kid, but he hurt my mom. He cheated on her for years and even as a young child, I would walk in on him and another woman. It actually hurt my soul a little bit every time to know that my mom stayed with someone who was awful to her. Watching my mom always go back to my dad is one of the reasons that I stayed with Mason. I thought that is what love was and it is not.

I grabbed my bag off my bed and walked downstairs. I walked into the living room and saw my mom sitting on the couch. When she saw me she stood up and came over to hug me. I couldn't cry because it would mess up my makeup, but all I wanted to do was let the tears come out.

We separated when we heard the front door open. Moments later I saw Gavi walking into the living room. When he saw me, he shot me a look and I walked over to him. He also hugged me, but this time I couldn't hold the tears in. I let the salty run down my face leaving a little sting behind on my skin.

"You look very nice" He said to me as he pulled back and looked me up and down. I giggled and wiped the tears off my cheek. I walked to the mirror in the entryway and made sure that everything looked good. Once I was done making sure everything was intact, I turned around and Gavi followed me out the front door.

He drove us to the restaurant. It was silent in the car. I could sense what he wanted to say, but kept stopping himself. When we pulled up the knot in my stomach came back and I couldn't move. It was like someone had nailed me to the car seat.

Gavi came around and opened the door for me to get out. I tried to move, but I really couldn't. I closed my eyes and thought back to all the moments that my dad would send me to my grandparents house just so he could screw some woman. This did something to me because I took a big deep breath and stood up. I kept my eyes locked on the door not anywhere else, including Gavi, but I could feel him looking at me.

We walked into the door and looked around. At first I couldn't find him, but when I looked all the way back in the corner of the dimly lit room, I saw him sitting there alone. I let out all the air in my body. Gavi looked down at me with a concerned look in his eyes. He leaned over and whispered,"If you really don't want to do this then I can bring you back to my house and we can watch some TV and chill." I wanted to do it so bad, but I knew I had to face him. This would be the last time, but I had to do it. I nodded my head and made sure to look as confident as possible while walking up to the table.

When I got closer, he noticed and stood up. "Jules-" He went to say, but I cut him off. "Julia," I was very stern. He pursed his lips together while his eyes wandered to the guy behind me. "New boyfriend already?" He looked at me disgusted. I just looked back at Gavi who was now standing right behind me. "No dad we are not dating," I made sure to be short and choppy with him. He turned around and looked at the table. Gavi went to pull my chair out, but I stepped in.

We sat down and looked over the menu. I knew that I would be gone before the food came though. I was going to speak my mind and get out of here. The both of them closed their menus and looked at me.

Gavi's Pov

We had ordered our food and her dad started to ask her questions about her life now. She just sat there with a straight face and I could see the wheels in her head turning. She closed her eyes and sighed. I put my hand on her thigh to calm her down. She put her hand on mine and squeezed it. He kept trying to talk to her, but she was just getting more and more upset.

This went on like this until the appetizers came and she was squeezing my hand so tight that my fingers had gone a shade of purple. "So how has the move been going?" He asked again. She snapped. She abruptly pushed the chair back and stood up. "Dad. I am done. You are out of my life and I am good with it now. So please just stay away and let me heal." She said somewhere in between a normal tone and yelling.

She walked out without looking bad. Not going to lie, she looked hot being all girlboss. I looked back at her dad who was in shock. I just ran after her. I caught up with her right when she reached the car. I ran up to her before she could open the door. "Are you okay?" I asked her, but she refused to look at me. I put my hand on her chin and forced her to look at me. When I saw her, she was crying and her makeup was running down her face. Even with all that going on, her blue eyes were what I looked at. 

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