32- That WAG Lifestyle

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A/N: If I am being honest..... I don't remember how old I said Sky was at the beginning of the story, but regardless she is 7 years old from here on out.

Thank you to Floortjeisleuk for helping me with this chapter again!

Gavi and I had just gotten home from a long day out. He drove me home to drop me off. I opened the car door and expected him to stay in the car, but he instead got out of the car too. I had a confused look on my face as we walked to the front door. He took notice of my face, "I have to talk to your family about something." I just nodded and walked in the door after him. We found Sky and my mom in the living room watching a disney show. When Sky saw him, she jumped and ran over to him. He bent over and picked her up and she hugged around his neck.

I chuckled a little bit watching her and Gavi. Once she let go, he set her down and she ran back to her comfortable spot on the couch. "I wanted to talk to the two of you," Gavi said while directing it to my family, "I would love it if the two of you came to my game." Sky screamed and begged my mom. She eventually nodded in agreement. Once Gavi got an answer he started to walk out the door. I ran after him and gave him a goodbye kiss. "I think Sky has a little crush on you," I jokingly messed around with him. He laughed and gave me a kiss on the forehead before walking back out to his car. I stood on the front porch and watched him go all the way to his car and drive away. God I was so lucky to have him.


"What time is game time?"

"Will we be able to see Gavi?"

"Are we sitting close to the field?"

Sky hasn't shut up about the game all day. When it was finally time to leave she ran ahead of us to the car. She was squealing the whole car ride and by the time it was over, my mom and I both had a pounding headache. I showed my mom where to go because since we had Sky with us, my mom really wanted us to be away from the paparazzi. So Xavi allowed us to park in the basement where the players parked.

When we pulled in, Sky bolted through the door. I had to run ahead of ehr and grab her hand to prevent her from running off. We had shown up early and made our way to our seats so that we didn't have to run the risk of being around all the random fans. When we got to our seats, which were right by the field, we saw that the boys were warming up. Sky started to scream which caused all the boys to look over at us. When Gavi saw us he gave Xavi a look and ran over to us. I noticed, though, how he stopped and picked something up from the bench. After he did that he came closer to us.

He leaned up and gave me a kiss, but it was cut short by Sky pushing us apart and giving him a hug. "I have something for you," he said as he handed her a youth sized jersey with his name and number on the back. She took it from him and my mom took her to the bathroom to help her change. "I have to keep my fans happy," He said to me once they were far enough away. I just planted another (and longer) kiss on his lips.


"Hey girl hey!" I heard a woman's voice from behind me. I quickly spun around and screamed. Mikky had shown up and I was super excited because she had been on a brand trip for a couple of weeks. She smiled and hugged me back. I stepped back and she greeted my family as well.

Ever since Mikky had shown up to the game and I was deep in conversation with her. Well, I guess the game had just ended. Mikky and I were talking about a possible hang out, which means I didn't notice Gavi run over to us. It was late at night and all the fans were starting to leave, but he took a very tired Sky into his arms. She leaned up against his chest, but he carried her further out onto the field and talked to her. I watched as he pointed up at the scoreboard to show her the winning numbers.

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