3. The Portal

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2 Days Later...
    I was flying around again, trying to get the annoying thoughts out of my mind. I was being a little more observant, looking around to make sure no humans were around.
I went to one of the flouting islands, where my favorite chorus fruit tree is.
While scanning the end I saw a bedrock portal. I have seen it before, but not lit.
I flew to take a closer look, I softly landed and looked around.
I should get my brother
I backed up and started flying towards home, to find ranboo.

Time skip (bc my lazy arse)
I landed on my balcony and started to walk towards his room, I knocked at his door and heard a muffled 'come in'
I opened the door to see ranboo on the floor with messy hair.
"Ranboo are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah just fell out of bed" he answered (a/n yes I know you can't use beds in the end but let's just say there are special one that don't explode in a bagilion pieces)
"Mhn sureeeeeee" I said not believing that he fell out of bed, "oh right! I had to tell you something!"
"What is it?"
"You have to see for yourself!"
"Y/n! Wait!"
I ran out of the room to crash into Oliver mine and ranboo's guard.
"Y/n? What re you doing in such a rush?" Oliver said, helping me off the ground.
"Oh uhhhhh just taking my brother to uhhhh see something" I said.
He lifted an eyebrow and said "and where are you taking him exactly?"
"Uhhhhhh, oh! Look at the time got to go bye! Come on ranboo!" I said grabbing ranboo's hand and running away from Oliver.
"That was wayyy to close" I said catching my breath after from getting a good distance from Oli. (A/n oli is a nickname for Oliver)
"Yeah, so what did you want to show me again?" Ranboo said.
"Oh! Right, the end portal is lit up"
"WHAT!?" Ranboo yelled
"Calm down bro, let's check it out, pleaseeee" I said giving him puppy eyes.
"Oh no, not puppy eyes, y/n you know I can't say no to those..."
I started to build it tears in my eyes.
"Oh fine! But if we get into trouble it's your fault not mine" Ranboo said giving in.
"YES! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" I yelled and hugged him.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Come'n let's go see what's behind the portal" Ranboo said getting out of my hug.
I ran up to him trying to keep up because of his long legs.

Another time skip to where they get to the portal
"over here Ranboo!" I said pointing to the portal.
"Woah, I've never seen it lit up before..." he said mumbling words to himself.
"Let's go inside! I'm to impatient to wait!" I said my wings flapping of excitement.
Before Ranboo could say anything we heard someone saying something in endiran.
"⊬/⋏, ⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜, ☊⍜⋔⟒ ⏚⏃☊☍!" It was Oliver calling us to come back. (A/n it says 'y/n, Ranboo, come back!' Hope this helps)
He teleported to us and blocked the portal from us.
"You guys are not going in there" he said pointing at the portal.
"Why not?" Me and Ranboo said in sync.
"Because it's dangerous it could kill you both!" He said, clearly worried about us.
"It's okay Oliver we'll be safe" I said putting a hand on his shoulder, and smiling at him.
"No" he simply said.
"Sigh, I guess I have to do this the hard way..." I said, moving my wings out of its folded position.
I flew up grabbed Oliver, and flew him back to the castle with no struggle, since I'm a Ender dragon hybrid, I'm super strong.
"Sorry Oli, but I gotta see what's behind to portal" I said placing him down and flying away before he could respond.
I returned to the portal and my brother and grabbed his hand.
"We can do this" I said confidently.
"Are you really sure about this sis?" Ranboo asked
"Heck ya" I responded.
We both stepped in and felt the blackness of the portal take over us...

700 words
OML THIS TOOK A WHILE, sooooo they are going to the overworld. Fun right? Well no tubbo, I'm sorry I haven't got there yet, sorryy. Drink water, eat good food, whatever keeps you guys well, Alr bye. Luv ya!

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