Chapter Seven

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Josh stopped the engine and unlocked the car door. And so I opened it and got my bag and almost drifted off. So we got to school, first day of school, I may add. And there was so many people. Ugh. What should I expect? I walked slowly and-

“Tricia, here’s your schedule, your sister gave it to me before she forgets” Josh said from behind, I grabbed my schedule.

“Thanks” I said calmly

“It happened that we have the same schedule, completely identical except for your Biology, I have Spanish” he said smiling and winking, Ugh. Why does he have to wink, doesn’t he get tired of that? I saw him wink for like the Five thousandth time.

“Right” I can’t believe it. I have almost the same schedule like him, every single day of school.  I looked at my schedule and Spanish was my last period and Break was the second to the last. Thank God, I’ll have a break without him.

We both got into the hallway as his ‘cool’ friends comes into the way and grabbed him, his bag falling on the floor with his mates roaring about something or whatever.

“See you at World His.” he said slowly fading away. At this point, I have to go to the office.

As soon as I wait at the waiting area, waiting for someone named Ms. Dela Cruz, someone came into the room. Hmm. Brunette. Blue Eyes. Spiky hair? No.


“Seth?” I just blurted, and he looked my way

“Tricia” he said walking towards me and sitting next to me

“What are you doing here?” I asked a he fix his hair

“I was uhm, I was called by the principal” he shyly said

“What? Why?” I said

“Seth?” A guy in a suit said, which I’m guessing the principal. He started standing up and walking towards him. As for me-

“Ms. Michaels” a woman said, hey, that’s me. I think. I turned around and saw her blonde hair and brown eyes. Her high cheekbones and high ponytail. Argh. Traumatizing.

“Y-Yes” I said. I wasn’t really listening to her, because I’m too curious about Seth and Mr. Principal. I looked at her ember earrings the whole time. I don’t know how many minutes was spent on looking at her jewelry but sure she looks rich. Maybe she was the secretary, of Mr. Principal’s wife, because if they do, they both look together. I took a look to the door where Seth is, and glanced at “Mr. P”, Yep, they’re a perfect match.

“Okay?” was the last thing I heard, the only thing I heard.  

“Yes” I said nodding to whatever she said, as soon as I grab the paper given to me. Seth walked out the room.

“Mr. Walker, can please you show Ms. Michaels her locker” she said as  Seth gave a nod and grabbed my bag from the chair I sat, I forgot about that.

“Thanks” I said to both of them

We were walking down the hallway, searching for my locker.

“What was that about?” I finally said

“About what?” he said raising his eyebrows

“The Principal thingy” I said

“Oh. Right, my dad just lectured me about something”

“Wait. He’s your dad?” I sais freaked out. I mean his dad, the ‘Principal’. Wow. Just Wow.

“You don’t know?”

“I just got here”

“Right” he said smiling like an angel. Okay, let’s admit it, he’s much better than Josh. I wonder why they’re friends, I mean Seth is kind and thoughtful while Josh is, well, the opposite.

“Oh, so here’s your locker” he said opening it for me

“How did you know the combinations?” I asked

“It was my locker last year”


“Yeah, and my locker now is right beside you” he said opening his locker

“Nice” I just said putting books into mine

“What’s your schedule?” he asked closing his locker, I just gave him the piece of paper with schedules written on it.

“Ow, We only have Spanish together, Oh and break time” he said

“What? That Sucks” It really does

“Oh well, at least I’ll see you everyday” he said as he made his alluring and tantalizing smile. Oops. My heart fell. Just kidding. Shoot. I’m imagining stuff. Stop, Tricia, Stop.

The first bell suddenly rang, signaling for the first period. Darn it. World History. With Josh.


Yay! Finally updated.. :D Team Seth or Team Josh?? Hmm?!

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