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''Pranali beta remove your hands'' said shivaaditya .

'' baba aapko kaise pta chla'' said pranali in a childish but sweet voice .

( how did you know baba) .

Shivaaditya who was looking at his girl and was continuously smiling at her complaints .

'' tell na baba, how did you know'' said pranali with a pout.

Shivaaditya pointed towards her anklets which were making sound .

Shivaaditya pointed towards her anklets which were making sound

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'' oh so it's because of this .But i can also not remove them '' said pranali.

'' but why pranali? If you remove them next time i may not able guess your presence'' said shivaaditya with a little laugh.

'' no i am not going to remove them . you gifted them to me .they are precious to me just like my life'' said pranali sternly .

'' Thank to god that he has blessed me such a good daughter'' said shivaaditya.

''Baba i am going outside the palace, i heard there was a fair '' said pranali.

''Hmm. Ok you can go but don't forget to bring something for me '' said shivaaditya .

Pranali went in her place on her way to palace she saw her mother who has tied her hair in  a bun so pranali stand behind her and secretly pulled her the hairpin due to which her mother long hair become free .

'' pranali ! What is this ?'' Said mrignaini .

Before she could say anything pranali started to run and mrignaini also run behind her .

'' maa you look more beautiful with hair open . I am sure baba will get impressed '' exclaimed pranali while running.

'' your baba get impressed or not , but today i am surely gonna punish you '' said mrignaini.

While mrignaini was chasing pranali .pranali was looking back at her furious mother but suddenly she get into clash with a maid who was carrying a basket full of flowers . the basket got thrown in the air and all flowers were falling on pranali whose bum got hit on the floor due to clash .

'' ahhh ! Ma what are you doing?'' Said pranali .

'' what i am doing is your punishment ''said mrignaini while twisting her right ear.

'' ok maa sorry na now let me go . i need to get ready for fair .'' said pranali while removing her mother's hand from her ear .

'' did you get permission from shiv'' asked mrignaini.

'' hmm. Baba gave me the permission . now i am going '' said pranali and ran from there by saying that baba will not be able to control if he sees like you this making mrignaini blush.

Pranali on reaching the fair started to roam freely without any guards because she is far more better than anyone . Most of the citizens know about her that how brave and beautiful she is . But also she is the most mischievious and naughty kid in the whole history of cholas maybe she also got this trait from her father as shivaaditya used to be naughty  as a child.

Most the people know how their yuvrani looks as she used to visit the towns of her kingdom and people also get happy on seeing her .Between the people she never tried to showcase her royal status that what people like about her.

In the fair pranali was looking at everything curiously suddenly  her eyes landed on a beautiful jhumka she wanted to buy it  but forgot to bring the money .

In the fair pranali was looking at everything curiously suddenly  her eyes landed on a beautiful jhumka she wanted to buy it  but forgot to bring the money

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'' yuvrani'' said the shopkeeper.

''Hmm . what happened kaka( uncle)'' asked pranali.

'' i am seeing you for a long time that you are staring a pair of jhumka . if you want  it then i can give it to you'' said tje shopkeeper in an assuring tone.

'' but kaka i don't have money . how can i buy it ? Said pranali in a low voice.

'' it's nothing yuvrani . these all are yours . but if you still insist on paying then you can pay me next time for the time being take these jhumkas '' said the shopkeeper.

'' thank you kaka , on my next visit after 3 days i will pay you the price '' said pranali and the shopkeeper nodded with a smile.

'' kaka can you show me some  daggers i want to buy it for baba '' said pranali.

'' for maharaj ! Why not i will be my honour '' said the shopkeeper.

Then shopkeeper show her some daggers but all are simple but beautiful but she want something different .then the shopkeeper show his masterpiece a dagger which can be converted into a sword but the more surprising thing is that the dagger is having a small red stone inside which their is a deadliest poision when someone presses it then the daggers will get poisonous .

then the shopkeeper show his masterpiece a dagger which can be converted into a sword but the more surprising thing is that the dagger is having a small red stone inside which their is a deadliest poision when someone presses it then the daggers w...

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Pranali get highly impressed by it and took it from the shopkeeper promising him to pay next time .

Suddenly there is an attack on pranali through arrows as the arrow is going to hit her a man pushed her while holding her waist . pranali met a beautiful greyish eyes pair but soon she shifted her gaze to the assassin who was running so she went off behind him but he got escaped when she came back to find the man she couldn't find him so she decided to go the palace .

The unknown person pow

'' sir i did what you asked me . i atttacked her as per your orders but why you saved her? I cannot understand it '' said the assassin .

'' it's better that you don't understand. otherwise you will be dead by now ''

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