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Author's pov

The chaos is still going in the court. Some ministers are arguing whether to accept the marriage or not . Abhimaan was hella confused by all this first he got a shock on finding saryukta in his bed then entry of samrat and then the biggest shock that his marriage became invalid, his wife pranali is not anymore his , he got to know about the relationship of pranali and amogh. And the fear of losing his crown is making him go insane.

'' shut up shut up all of you, shut your filthy mouths '' roared abhimaan.

'' pranali is my wife only, she is '' screamed abhimaan out of his lungs but got cut off by amogh.

'' don't you dare to say something more otherwise i am damn sure that i will not think even once to give you a ride to hell '' said amoghvarsha with a smirk.

'' maharaaj abhimaan had consummated with princess saryukta i hereby will personally invite king of magadha to discuss their marriage . but it's not any trick i am just trying to save dignity of an honourable beautiful princess , a woman , most importantly a human . isn't it correct'' said amogh with a smile but only he knows what an evil plan he is hiding behind that smile.

'' send a letter to magadh king on my behalf i am sure that if i send the letter then he will come here by covering the distance of 15 days in just 5 days '' said amogh with a little laugh.

'' ok the court is dismissed now '' said amogh and started to climb down the stairs but before that he forwarded his hand to pranali but pranali being pranali ignored his hand and exited the court.

'' this girl stop it pranali i am not gonna leave you '' said amogh and walked off.

His minister laughed a loud at his actions , all other are staring him .
'' don't you find it funny the samrat who is roaring in this court a few seconds ago now is being ignored by his beloved wife , they are still like  their old self when they first met at the age of 7years '' said amogh's minister and he too walked from there.

But abhimaan felt a twitch , anger in his heart when pranali being addressed as amogh's beloved wife .

He was very angry at himself for doing this mistake , this mistake has now give a chance to pranali to get away from his claws . he directly went to saryukta's room .

'' privacy '' said abhimaan and marched of towards saryukta  who was sleeping peacefully as if nothing happened.

He grabbed her neck harshly . saryukta's eyes got opened with a sudden lose of air and a stinging pain  , her eyes went wide when she saw abhimaan with bloodshot red eyes which are screaming her death nothing else.

'' you all because of you i am going to lose pranali , i still need her , my mission is still not completed she still not revealed her dynasties biggest secret , i am unable to sleep because of my fading ambition and here you are sleeping so peacefully do you think you deserve to sleep now '' said abhimaan in a deadly tone and slapped her .

''Your father is coming in some days so it will be better to deny this marriage otherwise i don't know what will i do to you. do you understand '' asked abhimaan .

Saryukta just nodded her head , tears are flowing from her eyes . abhimaan went outside by closing the gate with a lot of force . saryukta flinched by the loud noise .
She was crying continously but suddenly an arrow flew just by touching her by earning .

To be continued..........

Yours loving author
Anusuiya Rathore☺️☺️💜💜

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