Andy Biersack one shot (for Brooke)

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This is a one shot about Andy for my friend Brooke! ENJOY



You were working at your local music store where you've had a job for about a year now. You were doing one of the most boring tasks of all, restocking and reorganizing the CDs.

You looked up and saw two insanely attractive guys standing in the row in front of the one you were in. They were just casually browsing through CDs but you couldn't help but stare you hadn't even seen the front of them but you could bet they were probably attractive.

"Do you like CDs? Cuz you gonna CDs nuts tonight!"

The shorter of the two practically shouted into the face of the older one who just shook his head laughing hysterically.

You hadn't realized you'd actually laughed out loud until they both turned to you and they walked over towards where you were.

"I apologize for CC he's a little..well..he's just CC" he laughed smiling the most adorable smile you'd ever seen with his silver lip ring shining in the light.

You were lost, starring into his piercing bright blue eyes when you noticed him stick his hand out to you.

"I'm Andy." He smiled again.

"Brooke" you say blushing but also smiling back at him

"CC!" You hear yelled from behind Andy

Andy turned around and glared at CC while you all laughed.

"Yes we've established that" Andy laughed.

"I know I just met you but you're beautiful and seem to have great taste in music would you wanna go out sometime?" he said smiling down at the cd in your hands.

Black Veil Brides. That's where you'd seen them before!

You weren't a big fan of the band, you listened to a couple songs and liked them but just never thought of looking further.

"Oh I work here I was just organizing the CDs. This is actually probably my least favorite in the store. It sucks" you smile jokingly.

"Oh really now?!" Andy replies placing his hands on his hips looking at you in "gurl please" type of way. You can't help but laugh which causes him to as well.

"Nah I'm just kidding you guys are really good but I've only heard a few songs" you say laughing, playfully pushing his arm of his hip.

"Aw, we'll thanks" Andy smiled.

"So about that date?" He asked

"I'd love to" you smile

"Great!" His smiled so big you'd think there's no way it could be bigger

"If its not too short notice I could pick you up and we could have dinner at my place. I can't cook, but I'm a pro at ordering pizza!" He laughed

"That sounds great" you replied

You exchanged phone numbers and then Andy hugged you.

"GET IT" CC yelled as you pulled apart.

You both just smiled and blushed.

"Okay, see ya tonight then" he smiled turning to go back to CC before the left he turned back and smiled at you.

"See ya then!" You said waving good bye.

That night Andy picked you up and you had an amazing night filled with more laughter and smiling then you could've imagined.

Hours later he drove you home and walked you to your door.

"I had an amazing time tonight. I haven't had that much fun in..I don't even know how long."

You smiled Andy had his hands around your waist and you had yours looped around the back of his neck.

"I could certainly say the same." He said before leaning in and planting a gentle kiss on your lips which you gladly returned.

You both broke away and you smiled as you stared into his sparkling eyes.

"I'm glad you didn't ask me if I like CDs. I probably would've said no." You laughed

"And that's why I never take pick up advice from CC." He laughed and kissed you again before you said goodnight to each other.

You texted all night until you fell asleep. Then you went out again all day the next day.

You both knew it was the start of something amazing.


Sorry if it made no sense lol hope you liked it. I heard some kid at school say the CDs thing and instantly thought of that.

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