Austin Carlile (for Briana)

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I'm so so so sooo sorry this took so incredibly long I just had no clue what to do for it. I hope you like it.

"Briana! Lets go the Carnival is only open for three more hours and it takes 10 minutes to get there!"

My best friend Austin said as he jumped on my couch that I must've fallen asleep on.

"Stop bouncing me and maybe I could get up, you giant!" I laughed and slapped his ankle.

"How did you even get in my apartment?" I asked as I got up from the couch.

"You think I don't know you hide a spare key in the plant outside because you almost always forget your actual key when you leave?" He smiled, throwing the key in the air.

"Touché." I replied catching the key and sticking it in my jeans pocket.

"I just have to go fix my hair and then we can leave"

"We're going to a carnival not a ball. You look fine." Austin called as I walked to my room.

Truth is I knew my hair looked ok in the messy bun it was in but I wanted it to look better. For Austin. I've sort of recently discovered that I sort of really love him.

Buuuut.. I can't tell him because I don't know how and I don't want to ruin our friendship so I guess I'll just see if these feelings pass. But it's been 5 years and they haven't gone anywhere so I think I might just buck up and tell him tonight if all goes well.

"Briana! Hurry up!" Austin yelled from the other side of the door.

"Calm down Carlile, I'm changing!"

He grunted. "What was wrong with what you had on?!"

I laughed as I pulled on my cut off shorts and the Of Mice&Men t shirt I'd cut into a tank top.

I opened the door and Austin smiled.

"Nice shirt." He laughed

"Thanks. Can you hook this on me?" I asked holding my favorite necklace out to him.

He suddenly looked nervous and he swallowed hard.

"Uhm, sure." He said nervously and took it. He moved my hair out of the way with shaking hands and clasped the necklace on.

I spun around and he cleared his throat, still looking nervous.

"Thanks, are you alright?" I asked

"What? Yeah I'm fine. Everything's, um everything's fine. We ready to go?" He said quickly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oooookay?. Lets go then"

Luckily Austin's awkwardness faded during the car ride and everything's been going good.

We're currently riding the Ferris wheel that Austin had to practically drag me on because I hate heights especially with these because they move so slow and the cars swing.

And of course. We got stuck at the top because the had to let an elderly woman off and the the gear got stuck so they couldn't get it going again.

"Austin, I'm scared." I said sliding closer to him on the seat.

"Ladies an gentlemen, our crew workers are going to get oil so we can unstick the lever and get you all down but for now just sit tight and remain calm." Said a carnival worker with a megaphone.

"Everything's fine Bri we'll be down in a few minutes just relax." Austin said and put his arm around me and pulled me close.

"This is the last time I let you drag me on a ride." I smiled looking up into his eyes.

He laughed lightly and then started swinging the car.

"Austin, stop!" I yelled gripping his arm and burying my face in his chest. "I'll seriously start crying if you don't stop!"

"Ok, ok I'm sorry I just wanted to see what you would do, some people find it more relaxing to swing on these things." He said

"Oh yeah, swinging in a metal death trap hundreds of feet in the air is just my idea of a dream date." I said sarcastically.

"Date?" He asked


"You said date? Do you think this is a date?" He asked looking down at me.

" I don't know why I said that." I said awkwardly sliding away from him on the seat. "I must of mixed up the words or something I do t know I just-"

"It could be a date. I mean if you want it to." He said sliding close to me.

Me eyes shot up and met his. It was dark out now but I could still see every perfect inch of his body under the twinkling Ferris wheel lights and they made his brown eyes sparkle even more.

"Do you?" I asked. Barely loud enough for him to hear.

"I have for about five years now. But I was always to afriad to ask. But it's all out in the open now. So, do you?"

"Yes. I've been waiting five years to say yes." I smiled.

He leaned down slowly and kissed my lips and I kissed back. He pulled away and we just smiled at each other.

"I know our first date isn't even over but, Briana, will you be my girlfriend? I was going to ask you at the end of the night but now seems like a good time."

"Of course." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him again. We pulled apart again and just then, as cliche as it sounds, the ride started moving and soon enough we were on the ground again.

We started walking to the parking lot hand in hand.

I got lost in thought and didn't realize I was giggling out loud.

"What's so funny?" Austin laughed and squeezed my hand.

"Nothing, I was just thinking, how many people do you think can say they got on a Ferris wheel as friends, got stuck, and came off as way more?" I smiled up at him.

"Probably not many" he laughed. "But I'm sure as hell glad that we can."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2013 ⏰

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