Please Don't Tell Me You Have The Hots For My Dad

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"Good morning." Inez's breath caressed the sensitive spot behind my ear. The warmth of the comforter, soaked through with sunlight, surrounded me in a cocoon of snuggliness. Her voice cut through my drowsiness, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Mmmm morning." My voice was thick from sleep. The sunlight felt so good, but I wasn't ready to open my eyes just yet. Instead, I tilted my neck back, giving Inez more room to press kisses down my jaw. She took her time, smiling occasionally against my skin. By the time she got to the base of my throat, she was completely open mouthed, sucking my flesh into her mouth. Tired as I was, her mouth drew a sleepy moan from me, soft sparks sliding down my spine and up my legs.

"Someone's happy this morning." I mumbled, eyes blinking open. Her hair was messy, dishelved as she looked down at me and I wasn't sure whether I wanted to cover her face in kisses or fuck her senseless. Maybe I had time for both.

"I couldn't resist. You looked so handsome like that." Another open mouthed kiss to the base of my throat and I pulled her towards me, her thigh rocking inbetween mine to soothe the growing ache. She was still warm from sleep, her soft curves fitting perfectly against me. I would be content to just lay there like that, our bodies pressed against each other, but Inez's lips and wandering hands were making it difficult to concentrate.

"I'm barely awake and you're already turning me on." I looked up into her eyes. They laid on their side, facing me and blocking the sun in such a way that the light framed them like a halo.

"I love seeing this side of you. All soft and relaxed. Besides, I want you well fucked before we leave for the picnic today." On instinct, my hips pushed against her leg, arousal bolting through me. I definitely wasn't going back to sleep now. The light shining was giving me ideas.

"Who says I'm the only that's leaving here well fucked?" My voice, still raspy from sleep, was already getting breathy..

"Oh I never said you were the only one. But that doesn't change anything." One of her hands slid slowly down my body. I slept naked at home and now that Inez and I were more comfortable with each other, I'd been wearing less and less as I slept over. Right now, all I had on was a pair of boxers. I tensed under them as they toyed with me, making their way closer and closer to my waistband.

"You like that image?" Inez brought her lips back up to my ear, fingertips still playing with boxers. "Leaving here all dressed up after being freshly fucked by me."

"I. . ." Inez didn't let me finish my sentence as she slipped a thumb under my waistband, sweeping it downwards in a luxurious loop. "Fuck, oh my god."

"You were saying?" Inez's Cheshire cat grin shone resplendent on her face.

"That's not fair," My words cut off in a whimper as they cupped me, not yet moving their fingers. The contact, too much and not enough sent quivers though my legs, exacerbated by the fact I knew they could feel everything.

"If you keep complaining, then maybe I won't touch you. Maybe I'll keep you here like this."

"Whatever you say, Princess," I dipped my voice as low as I could, just for the pleasure of making Inez blush. Their hand tightened around me and I swallowed back my groan, intent on teasing them even more. "But we both know that you're desperate for me. So desperate I bet you're already aching aren't you?" I let one of my hands come up to cup their face, catching their lip with my thumb. I parted their mouth ever so slightly, savoring the gentle shaking of their hand between my legs. "So why don't you put yourself out of your misery and touch me already, hmm?"

"Fine." They slid their thumb through my slit, leaving wetness in their wake and circling my clit in infuriatingly slow, lazy strokes. I helped them along, grinding into their hand. Her eyes darkened as she watched me, watched herself touch me. I ran a hand down my center, and Inez grabbed it, wrapping her hand around my throat as a warning. Soon, the hand around my neck migrated to the back of my hair, her grip tightening to remind me who was in charge.

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