The News

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-the next morning-

-Neteyam's pov-

I woke up early this morning about 6:30 bc i couldnt sleep all i was thinking about what ao'nung is going to say when we meet in the hallway and thank god i only have one class with him today i know he would ask a milion

I got dressed in black baggy jeans with white stiching and a white hoddie.
I went down to eat when i saw tuk in the corner of my eye while passing by the bathroom i slowly opend the door and saw her coverd shaveing cream "tuk what are you doing?" i ask taking off her clothes and trowing them in the washing mashine. "i was washing my hands and i accidentally used dads shaveing cream instead of my foamy soap and his one is much fluffier so i used it more and then you walked in and ruined the fun" she explaind crossing her arms "oh yea you are lucky i found you before mom or dad they would kill you" i pick her up in my arms and we go to her room picking clothes "what do you want to wear" i ask "someting like you" i look at my clothes and then at hers and i find black skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt "ok lets get you dressed"

-fast forward to school-
As i stepped inside the school i see ao'nung at the door way "great" i think to myself i just walk-ran past him but ofc he saw me, i feel a hand grab my arm as i walk "you arent even gonna say good morning?" i turn to see ao'nung "hey i didnt see you there" i lied "i gtg i'll be late to class"
That was the only conversation we had all day bc i have been ignoring him but right after i was about to leave from my last class  someone pulls me into a corner  of the classroom and puts his hand  next to my head leaning over me "why are you ignoring me?" i look at his face ofc it was ao'nung who else would it be "i wasnt" i say "oh yea i have been calling your name in the halls but you would sprint off to a close by classroom" he looked at me dead in the eyes "if it's about Yesterday idc bc... Well i like boys too.." he lets go of the position and sits on a close by table "really?" i was in shock "what can i say.." looking at my phone to see whats the time "fuck i have to or my dads gonna leave me to walk home... See ya!" i rush out of the classroom "see you" i hear him yell back.

I got into the car "where were you?" my dad asks "oh a teacher heald me back for a minute" i look out the window "anyway today we are going to a dinner at my bosses house" i look at him "do i have to go?" with a i dont wanna go voice "yes you do everyones going and guess what he has a son and a doughter your age kind off" i smile "great!" i say sarcastically.

I'm sorry that the chapter was short but i wrote it at 1 am so pls have mearcy thank you

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