ACT IV - CHAPTER 27: Little brothers and the like

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"Why must this be so mortifying? Oh, that's right. Because it's my life."

Tessa Dare

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"Alastor," William says, when things have finally... somewhat calmed down a bit between the two of them, "Be honest. Why are you really here?"

"Huh? Didn't we tell you already–"

William shook his head, "No. I mean... why did you even agree to come here with us? What are your intentions to my sister?"

Alastor tries not to feel too intimidated at the sudden, intense look on William's usually indifferent face. Damn kid acts a bit too much like his sister sometimes, "W-What... what kind of q-q-question is that?" he very nearly trips over himself, discreetly trying to avert his gaze when William doesn't answer, only continues to stare down at him, "Wait. You already know your sister is my mate, right...?"

"I know," William says, nodding a bit, his movements tense and menacingly slow, "Remember that I was there when that fucking leech said it. I also had to confront her about you, actually."

Oh, moon goddess, Alastor found himself immediately praying as he feels a cold drop of sweat leisurely running down the side of his face at that, please don't let the kid make me explain how mates are supposed to work. Please. Please, just don't. "Uh, right. Cool... um, w-well, you see, the thing is... I think I... k-kind of like her...?"

William's brows furrowed, "You 'think'?"

Oh, shit.


At the sight of William's steadily deepening frown, Alastor thought, well, since the cat's out of the bag already (courtesy of last night's shenanigans aaaaahhhhhhhHHHHHHHH STOP! NO! GO AWAY! DON'T GO THERE! SHOO! STOP! STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!)—

"I mean... of course I know I like Winters. I mean, who wouldn't, am I right?! Like... a lot! I like your sister a lot! In a more-than-friends kind of way!" and much to Alastor's horror, William looked a strange mix of disturbed and confused by his words. Alastor gulps and internally steels himself at the backlash.

"...Okay," the kid says slowly, nodding again.

William's movements were still kind of jerky and somewhat mechanical, and Alastor swears he tries not to feel like his soul was about to leave his system in complete mortification at that. Oh gods, why does this feel like he was talking to his would-be in-laws about his sex life?

This is so mortifying!

"O-okay...?" he prompts, dubiously.

"Okay," William nods.

"Okay," Alastor repeats, nodding back.

"So... you mean you want to take Winters out on stupid dates and hold hands and swap spit while doing all that corny shit we see on those cheesy, rom-com films?" William continues... and wait a fucking minute, is that a shit-eating grin on his face?!

"William!" Alastor snapped.

"Oh man, I... I know you used to be a degenerate pervert before Winters met you b-but... wow. Just wow, Alastor. Never thought you're actually a romantic at heart. It's so fucking cliché!" William managed to say as he continued to wheeze past his cackling.

At that, the werewolf could feel his face flattening as he stares at the kid who looks like he's way having too much fun at Alastor's expense. He really should have known William was just messing with him.

"I hate you," he muttered, weakly.

"Oh, come on," William says, waving a dismissive hand at Alastor's deadpan expression, now not even trying to cover up the entertained grin on his face once he got his laugh. Fucking brat, "Don't look at me like that, Al. I was just doing my duty as any well-meaning little brother."

"Last time I checked, good little brothers don't go around poking fun on other's expense," Alastor replies in a completely flat voice, "And in case you're not aware, no 'well-meaning' person pulls shit like that."

"Whatever. Besides, I'm her favorite brother–"

"You're literally her only brother–"

"Which is why Winters always have to listen to what I have to say... not like she really has a choice in the matter because I'll make it her problem," William says, almost thoughtfully, not even fazed at the interruption, looking, and sounding quite a bit too cheerfully while Alastor squints at him, irritated.

That's it.

Alastor is making a mental note not to ever let the kid and Harry ever exist on the same fucking room... let alone meet in person. They're way too alike in making Alastor want to question his social life choices.

"And since you're staying with us," William continues, glancing at the direction of his sister's room, as if worried of being overhead (a pointless worry, because she wasn't even there when Alastor woke up although he can sense her just lingering about), "...does this mean you two are officially an item now?"

"Yeah, like a buy one get one sale."

He frowns, "You're not funny."

"I'm hilarious," Alastor deadpanned.

"Keep telling yourself that, buddy."

"Duly noted."

William threw him an annoyed look.

First of all, Alastor is aware that he and the kid had grown somewhat close enough these following weeks, enough to be considered not only just 'people who happened to be sharing the same space' but also as good enough to be called friends... but Alastor just can't believe they are seriously having this conversation... about Winters, no less.

Alastor's not even sure if this an appropriate conversation to have with her little brother but then again, the issue doesn't even seem to faze William, especially since he was the one to force open said issue.

And knowing the kid who binge watches anime series (while working overtime as a hunter at the same time) for hours straight without getting much needed sleep through sheer force of will, Alastor's getting the feeling William is not planning to leave this subject alone without getting any satisfying answers.

Kid's scary like that.

"...Nah, not really," Alastor finally relents.

"What the hell does that supposed to mean?"

"I dunno. You tell me."

Without a warning, William suddenly hurled a silver blade at him.

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