ACT V - CHAPTER 40: The first snowfall

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"The shadow of love is all around us. So, it may be too easy to get caught in the fuss; because once that happens, who's to say if you or I knew true love anyway?"

―Marcus Alan Mercer

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As far as he recalled, no weather forecast had reported snow for the coming days... except it was seriously kind of expected with how cold it's beginning to get in this country.

That's why Alastor felt like the goddess of luck was smiling down upon him for once when he caught sight of the surprise just falling out the window. Winters must have seen him grinning like an idiot too (because of course she did).

"What is it?" she asks, her head already turning to look.

Recognition had only just melted the frown off of her face and turned into a ghost of a smile when Alastor beams at her, "It's the first snowfall!"

"Yes. It is."

"Wanna go out on a walk with me?"

"But... it's getting dark..."


Bemusement flickered over her face before she shook her head, almost helplessly, as a faint chuckle escapes her lips, expression softening entirely that it was so precious as she looks on at the sight of falling snow outside.

"Go get your coat first."

Alastor's feet was already taking him out of the room before she even gets to finish that sentence, "It's a date then!"

Luckily, Alastor still had his coat out at the ready, hanging by the back of his chair (Winters or William must have left it there following what he had now mentally dubbed as the 'Cupid's-Arrow-Incident'), along with his scarf; a handknitted dark brown fabric that goes quite well with most of his clothes, making him perk up as he hastily grabs them all with him.

He was in the middle of buttoning his coat up half-way when he felt his cellphone vibrating inside his pocket, making him scowl in irritation. A phone call? Seriously? Now?!

"What?" he snapped.

"Hi, it's Alistair..."

"What did he do this time?" Alastor asks, frowning.

"What? No! I mean it's actually me, Alistair!"

"Oh, okay. So, what did you do this time?"

"Dude!" his twin whines in protest, and Alastor couldn't quite stop himself from smirking at his reflection on the mirror, "Between us two, you're the troublemaker!"

"Nuh-uh, I'll have you know that I am now officially a changed man." Alastor says, chuckling a bit as he carries on with the buttons with his other hand.

There was a snort, "Yeah, right... so what's up?"

Alastor rolls his eyes, "The sky, genius."

"Har, har," his twin snarks.

From the background, Alastor could have sworn he can hear Harry yelling at Sean for seconds or something along the lines, Lizzie's bright voice chiming in from time to time. Are they eating over at Sean's right now?

"...You know what I mean, dumbass." Alistair was saying, his voice both fond and teasing. "What are you up to these days? How's your mate?"

A smug smile crawls at his lips at that.

"Actually," Alastor began, "...I asked her out."

"Just now? Buddy, it's been weeks."

"So what?" Alastor huffs, picking up his scarf next.

"Oh," Alistair mutters then, almost sadly, "I'm so sorry..."


Alastor paused in the midst of wrapping his scarf around himself, his nerves feeling like they were buzzing, suddenly on edge. Nothing ever good comes from that kind of tone...

"For what? Why?"

Alistair hums, "Well, I assumed she said no..."

"No, stupid head!" he snapped, his voice coming out a touch fiercer than he intended. Alastor suddenly felt like he just lost a much-needed brain cell, "And for your information, she said yes. We're heading out now actually..."

"Really?" his twin asked, visibly perking up.

"Yes Al, really,"

"Then, I feel sorry for her."

Alastor deadpanned, "Was that all?"

"Nah, just checking on my little brother..."

"You're like, only five minutes older–"

"Still counts~!"

"Whatever. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Yeah, sure, go have fun with your little date—but not too much fun. And please be nice to Proserpina! Oh, and also tell her I said hi..." Alastor rolls his eyes, a faint smile twitching at his lips despite himself, "Hey, you guys! Al's on the phone, come say bye!"

"Already?" Harry whines, "Fine. Bye-bye, jackass!"

"Bye, Alastor..." Sean's calm voice.

"Bye!" Lizzie chirps.

Alastor soon left his room with a smile on his face, but not before giving his reflection a wink and a flying kiss.

For much needed good luck, of course.

"Shall we?" Winters asks, placing her gloves on.

He nods, "Yeah, sure. Let's."

Opening the door for her, they step outside.


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