ACT V - CHAPTER 44: It's the little things...

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"It's the little things, I expect. Little treasures we find without knowing their origin. And they come when we least expect them. It's beautiful when you think about it."

― T.J. Klune

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The snowfall was getting worse, so they ended up boarding on the Tokyo Metro... although Proserpina had more than once suggested they should make use of the shadows to get back before it's too late, but Alastor insists on it, citing that getting on the train could be a great experience.

In the end, Alastor wins.

They got on the train and Alastor sat next to Proserpina.

"I told you there would be too many people," she hissed. That's an understatement. Their arms brushed from time to time with how close they are, no thanks with how compact the place is. Their knees literally knocking next to each other, more so with Alastor being bigger than her, surely this is far more uncomfortable to him than it is with her.

Strangely enough, despite how tall and muscular he is with just about anyone in here—no doubt, he can toss and smash the humans if he really wants, just because he can— Alastor looks sort of vulnerable as he glances at her, almost shyly.

He winced, smiling sheepishly, "Oops...?"


This is what always boggles her despite everything. Alastor Nyx is literally the strongest person in the room and Proserpina still doesn't get how he can manage to look so sweet and innocent as a helpless puppy. The saying you can't judge a book by its cover rings true, after all.

Looks really are deceiving.

"You'll make sure we'll get off at our stop, right?" he asks, a boyish smile still on his face as he rubs the back of his neck.

She only nods and that was all the confirmation he need before his eyes soon flutter shut, and his head was lolling back and forth with the motions of the train while Proserpina watches him carefully from the corner of her eyes, the way she usually does whenever they are in the same room. Probably since the first time she had seen him running around with the other werewolves under the rain.

It doesn't even take long for him to fall asleep on the train ride back. In fact, she can most likely tell the moment he has fallen into a light slumber.

His breathing is deep and even... which is impressive because the Tokyo metro is rather loud and sort of cramped at the moment. There's a lot of odd noise going on at the same time and Proserpina was sincerely glad that his sensitive ears aren't bothered with the way the train screeches, an automated voice going on over through static and rust with every single stop. Maybe that's why he went to sleep, to shut down and spare his eardrums the racket.

Come to think of it, Alastor really does fall asleep so easily compared to her and William, huh? Must be nice not to suffer on any form of sleeping disorders...

How lucky.

Alastor stirs and Proserpina averts her gaze.

It's one of the many times she feels like she's one step away from being caught doing something she shouldn't be doing. Like longing for someone that was supposedly her's.

A part of her, the one that is still the stupid little girl that never learns, suddenly wants to scream, and cry that this is not fair. She's still young and yet she already went through and lost so much. After everything, she deserves to be happy too... doesn't she?

Proserpina sighs.

It's these fleeting moments of doubt and vulnerability, that she allows her mind to wander and think of Warren Veil and what he would have said, what he would have thought of Alastor had he lived. Had he been here. How that man deserves to be happy too, more than anyone else...

And now Alastor, she thinks of him, and how he seemed to be happy and living his life before they crossed paths. Even though Alastor told her once that he wasn't happy back then.

He just seemed like it.

...Is he happy now, then?

"Winters," Alastor suddenly breathes out.

Her eyes met his, "Hm?"

"Nothing," he shifts a bit in his seat, wincing at the sounds before looking over at the window, squinting a bit at the darkness as a hand pressed on the side of his head, "...Are we there yet?"

"Not yet," she murmurs.

"Ugh, why does everything have to be so loud..."

"I told you we could just use the shadows..."

He pouted, "But that will end our date so quickly!"

She frowns, "Well, yes... but the noise bothers you right?"

"I'll live," he shrugs, "Besides, I like spending more time with you."

Dark eyes traced over the innocence of a sun-kissed face, the warmth in his chocolate-colored eyes, and feeling the easy sincerity of his smile as he said those words so easily... Proserpina couldn't help but marvel just how candid and genuine Alastor could be.

With nothing better to say, Proserpina offered him her earphones. He'll need it more than her, anyway. "Here. Put some music on. It'll help with the noise. You can even go back to sleep."

Alastor yawns and nods as he takes the offered item, plugging them on in his cell phone. Then, he inches closer and slightly leans his head against Proserpina's shoulder before putting on one of the earphones in his ear, the other held out for her, "Do you want to share?"

Proserpina keeps her eyes straight ahead and stills, doesn't dare move or even look at him, practically buzzing underneath her coat and under the cold skin that hasn't really known a kind touch for so long.

A thick swallow and a damning thought.

She likes this.

It's nice.

Warm breath tickles the small, exposed part of her neck when Alastor continues to talk underneath her chin, "I'm not really sure what kind of music you're into but most of my playlists are either anime or instrumental, anyway..."

"It's okay," she voices out loud, her voice almost coming out as a meek whisper in the middle of the noise but considering Alastor's easy shrug, he must have heard her just fine.

Amidst the comforting lull of his sleepy voice, Proserpina was suddenly struck with the desire of holding him closer. Close enough that if anyone so much as think to move the wrong way, they'll be going through her shadows first.

With that thought in mind, Proserpina allows herself to slide down on her seat and Alastor presses closer, close enough that she can actually hear the gentle tune that he has on coming from her earphones.

She can feel her face growing warm, her heart pounding madly against her chest that Proserpina's so sure Alastor can hear it and she suddenly feels so ridiculously shy and foolish at the same time as she hides behind the collar of her coat.

Tilting her head, a little more to the right... until her head lightly rests on top of Alastor's. It's been a long day. And in her defense, she's a little tired, too.

When she woke up, he only laughs it off.

...Unsurprisingly, with them both fast asleep, they somehow missed their stop. "Funny, because I remembered telling you to wake me up," he was saying in between fits of laughter, ", imagine my surprise when I woke up and found you sleeping too!"

"Why didn't you wake me up then?" she demands, glaring up at him with no real heat in it. Because despite herself, she couldn't bring herself to be really irritated.

"You looked like you needed some rest," he says, eyes smiling.

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