Question from autumnynynah!

713 43 3

"I got a q for Sanji and Zoro.Why do ya'll fight so much, we know you love each other.~"

Sanji: Mellorine~! See, moss-head! I got the first question!

Zoro: We both did, idiot! Ugh, we fight because ero-cook is too much of a damn suck up!

Sanji: You just do not understand the value of women, stray moss! Maybe if you did, we wouldn't fight!

Zoro: Oh, please! 'Value of women'! That's sexist towards men, what happened to equality?!

Sanji: Since when did you become all high and righteous?!

Zoro: I've always been this way, idiot!

Revo: You haven't answered the second half of the question, fellas.

Sanji & Zoro: *reads question again*

Sanji: With all do respect, sweetheart, I would never love that insufferable twit.

Zoro: Tch, seconded.

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