what life's about...

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Of course I have insecurities. Of course I overthink. Of course I compare myself to others. Of course I lose sight of who I am. Of course I seek validation from others at times. Of course I feel like I'm never doing enough or I should stop altogether, of course, I do. But I see it simply like this: You are who you are. You have one life in front of you, why in this life would you spend it wasting it on your insecurities, comparison, and validation from others. Many of the others are just as confused as you. Don't spend time in the mirror saying "I will never look pretty enough," just say "fuck it," Honestly fuck it cause as soon as I stopped dissecting my every feature and flaw I feel better as a person. I can't change my looks but I can sure tf add on to it. And who cares what anyone thinks about it, "okay I only good with makeup," at least I look good. At least I know how to look good. At least I don't have to keep walking around feeling less about myself because I MADE sure I looked good today. I'll be fucking damned. Live this life for you and do not care what anyone else thinks about it. It's all about the way you look at things. Perception. Fuck overthinking it only torments the brain with constant thoughts running around at once trying to chase after the "very right one" when all the other thoughts around it are more than similar. Next time you find yourself overthinking, stop thinking. Stop and just breathe. Distract yourself for a bit and allow yourself to just be, so your mind can reset and alas be finally clear. Because thinking like a manic just makes you feel like a crazy person. When I kept deciding and not deciding and then be indecisive and not decisive about certain things I felt like a crazy woman but when I just literally ran outside my household and I just kept walking and walking and walking and I didn't say a word, I ended up getting some good food later not gone lie—- my mind became clear and I came to a healthy and well thought-out conclusion about so many things in fact! You don't have to literally run out your household in anger and walk but find your OWN walk. Find your footsteps in all the madness. Fuck it all. Fuck every single last thing that makes it all bad within for you. You are the only to determine how to make sure that it IS good for you and don't you ever stop chasing that!

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