You need to eat path 20

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"Yes you may here you go."

"Thank you."

Logan;"Ok so the first question was when did big time rush came together?

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"Ok so the first question was when did big time rush came together?... and you put 2010 and the answer was 2009, next question is what is big time rush first song? And you put boyfriend which is wrong it was big time you know like big time rush next question is who wrote the mum song? You put Kendall which is wrong it was Scott Fellows. When did big time rush break up?you put 2015 which is wrong it was 2013 next question did Logan made a song after big time rush? You put no which I did and it was sleepwalker next question what are the boys middle name? You put James is Pill Logan is Diamond Kendall is Rock Carlos is Kind which are wrong our middle names are James is James David Maslow mine one is Logan Phillip Henderson Kendall one is Kendall Francis Schmidt Carlos one is Carlos Robert PenaVega and the last question is what is James last song before he came back to big time rush you put in all day which is right I can't believe you got almost all of the answers wrong except the last one who did you know it was all day?"

"Hey I did not know a lot and mum sing it to me."

"Yeah that is true now next one and this is about your mum andCarlos."

Logan:"Ok tell me when you are done

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"Ok tell me when you are done."

"Ok." What did James Maslow adopt his daughter Nova. James adopt nova on Monday night at 7:45pm. What did Carlos do after big time rush break up
Be with his family. What was James first song he did when did time rush break up . Don't break . What is Carlos wife name. Alexa Penacega Are James and Carlos are best friend. Yes they are. "Logan I am done."

"Ok can I have your answers."



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You need to eat adopt by James MaslowWhere stories live. Discover now