Chapter 16: "Dog...!"

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Because Zhou Ander had bone cancer, Jiang Yunshu specially made an appointment for Baitang for a bone examination.

"Mr. Jiang, your omega must have been abused..." The doctor took a few X-rays and pointed them to Jiang Yunshu, "There is no cancer, but the patient has several The bones are broken and grow back, and there are bone cracks, the most serious is the left wrist bone, which will hurt in cold weather."

Maybe it was Jiang Yunshu's maintenance attitude when he came in with white sugar, or maybe it was Jiang Yunshu's decent conversation and demeanor, which left a good impression on the doctor, making people subconsciously think that he would not be that one Sugar abuser.

In short, Jiang Yunshu's face was even more ugly when he left the hospital. Even Baitang, who was sitting in the co-pilot, felt the low air pressure, and was afraid to move.

"Sorry," Jiang Yunshu took a deep breath and rubbed his stiff face, "I scared you."

But... when will the memory be restored? tomorrow? the day after tomorrow? a week later? Any time is possible.

According to Jiang Yunsu's character, the moment he recovered his memory, he would definitely not pretend again, he would just pack himself in a rage, because he lost 170,000 in vain, and other inspection fees, etc. money.

Jiang Yunsu's methods flashed in front of him one by one, Bai Tang saw his face reflected on the glass window, pale and bloodless.

"Here," Jiang Yunshu did not drive the car into the garage, but parked at the gate of the villa, "I'll hug you."

White sugar turned her head slightly, looked at this place where he lived for more than three years through the car window, and didn't want to go in... No, he hated it.

Jiang Yunshu opened the co-pilot's door and gently picked up Bai Tang. He pressed the combination lock, stepped on the lush grass, and asked, "Bai Tang, are you afraid of dogs?"

Baitang was stunned for a moment, he just lost his mind and didn't hear much, what did Jiang Yunsu say? dog...? He blinked blankly, and was about to speak when he suddenly heard a series of milky dog ​​barks coming from far and near.

Baitang was stunned and turned his head in disbelief, only to see a black lump running towards him, a pair of big drooping ears swaying against the wind.

"Dog...!" Bai Tang whispered, his eyes lit up instantly.

He didn't seem to be afraid, Jiang Yunshu breathed a sigh of relief, put the white sugar gently on the ground, the black ball immediately wagged his tail and jumped around his master, his claws hooked his pants and stood up, He also took off the bandages on the soles of his feet.

"No." Jiang Yunshu grabbed the dog's forelimbs with both hands and lifted it up, "The owner is injured, so he can't touch his feet."

The black dumpling made a "wang", and his eyes were black.

All the attention of Bai Tang was on the puppy, and he forgot everything around him. biology.

Perhaps Baitang's eyes were too hot, Jiang Yunshu cooperated and put the dog into Baitang's arms.

The sunlight warms this piece of grass slightly, the tip of the nose is lingering with a faint grassy fragrance, the halo stays on Jiang Yunshu's sharp side face, he quietly looks into the distance, Baitang sits on the grass , slowly stroked the dog's hair like a treasure, and his expression was a surprise he had never seen before.

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