Chapter 24: "If no one talks about it for a long time."

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Jiang Yunshu stood on the spot and calmly reassured: "Don't be afraid, I'll stand here, you slow down."

Brown sugar is too small to jump on the bed, its two front legs resting on the edge of the bed and humming a few times.

White sugar hugged his knees and shrank into a small ball, he was attracted by brown sugar.

...dogs? It's a dog! But...why is there a puppy...ah yes, brown sugar, this is the dog Jiang Yunsu bought for him after he lost his memory...

So this is not the past, the current alpha won't hurt him for the time being.

Reason slowly returned to the cage, Bai Tang sucked the blocked nose, turned his body, and seemed to want to get out of bed.

"Don't move," Jiang Yunshu said quickly, "Just sit on the bed, I haven't recovered my memory, and I won't hurt you. The reason why you came in is because you have a fever."

Bai Tang's head hurts very much, he blinked his dry eyes, he was not angry, he said sullenly: "Thank you sir..."

Jiang Yunshu saw that he was awake, and then approached, "I'll put the heat-reducing sticker on your forehead now, don't be afraid."

Jiang Yunshu picked up his slightly sweaty forehead, and put the antipyretic sticker on it flatly, "Your body temperature is about 39 degrees now, this is antipyretic medicine, drink the hot water."

Sugar's face was pale, except for the morbid flushing at the end of his eyes, he swallowed the tablet with difficulty, and after drinking a large glass of hot water, his temples became more wet.

Jiang Yunshu lightly touched Baitang's side face with the back of his hand, it was very hot, he asked: "Do you feel cold or hot now?"

The white sugar was chilled by the alpha's hand, trembling slightly and trying to hide, his eyes were covered with a layer of mist, "Hot..."

Generally, fever patients feel cold in the early stage of fever. This stage is characterized by a rise in body temperature, which can lead to chills, or even accompanied by chills. After the body temperature stabilizes, it is manifested as conscious fever and headache .

"Do you have a headache?" Jiang Yunshu said.

Sugar nodded sadly.

The body temperature should not rise anymore, Jiang Yunshu picked up his jacket and put on the white sugar, "Go to the bathroom and sleep."

Bai Tang, who was tormented by the pain, had no time to think, so he could do whatever he wanted. He obediently raised his arm, his sleeve slipped to his elbow, and a furry wrist guard on his left wrist was exposed.

Jiang Yunshu took advantage of the white sugar to go to the bathroom, went downstairs to boil some brown sugar **** water, and took more quilts. When he returned to the room, he saw Baitang leaning on the back of the bed with his eyebrows twisted, halfway through. Breathing heavily with his mouth open, a pair of watery eyes stared absently at one place, but the brown sugar hyperactivity beside him arched back and forth at his master.

He knocked on the door, motioned for himself to come in, then pinched the back of the puppy's neck and threw it back into the kennel, saying to White Sugar: "Drink two sips of **** water, then go to sleep Bar."

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