Chapter 52: "Angry."

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When she walked out of the hospital door, Jiang Yunshu understood what Zhou Chaoyu's "mood is not right" meant.

The two of them kept holding hands, the white sugar eye sockets were red and swollen, and the nose to the temples were flushed from crying, the sweaty bangs were randomly lifted, and their eyes kept staring at the ground, as if immersed in themselves In the world of , the five senses are closed, and everything around is blocked, and he is only holding hands and walking forward.

I finally got out of the state of cowardice and fear, and slowly recovered to a lively and agile appearance, and now it is as dumb as a puppet.

Jiang Yunshu, as a person who watched Baitang come out step by step, the omega's appearance really made him worry, but he couldn't intervene. This is Baitang's self-protection mechanism.

He can only accompany and wait as much as possible, waiting for the sugar to recover.

So he thought that it might be better to go out for a walk and blow the air, so he bent down slightly and asked: "Bai Tang, I just received a notice that my name change was approved, and the Public Security Bureau happened to be It's near the hospital, do you want to go with me?"

Sugar's eyes didn't have any light, he didn't move, as if he didn't hear.

Jiang Yunshu shook his hand, and when he saw that he raised his head, he repeated it word by word.

Bai Tang's brain turned dully and muttered: "Name, changed name, book"

Jiang Yunshu replied: "Well, my name will be on my ID card, household registration book and marriage certificate in the future."

These words made Baitang react. He clenched Jiang Yunshu's hand and looked straight into Alpha's eyes, "Go."

The temperature in his palm gradually warmed up, Jiang Yunshu hooked the corner of his mouth, "Let's go then."

The Public Security Bureau is about one kilometer away from the hospital. The weather is not too hot. There are many trees on both sides, which cast shadows on the sidewalk. He came over, but the redness on his face could not go away quickly. He looked around, a little bit of sunlight fell on the bridge of his nose, and said in a hoarse voice, "I haven't walked on the road like this for a long time."

Jiang Yunshu said: "If you want to go shopping, just tell me, and I will accompany you."

A bicycle was driving towards him, he took Bai Tang's shoulders and asked him to lean in, but noticed that the people on the bicycle had been staring at Bai Tang, their heads turned and returned. To stare.

Jiang Yunshu frowned and looked over, and the man immediately retracted his sight and rode away.

over the shoulder.

It was very strange, Jiang Yunshu realized almost immediately that within a radius of fifty meters, countless fiery gazes fell on them.

But soon, he knew that people bowed their heads, raised their heads, turned their heads, and their faces turned towards them without exception, with inquiry, curiosity and surprise in their eyes, but it was not about him, but everything They are all staring at the sugar beside him, whispering.

"Is that an omega? Oh my **** it's beautiful"

"Fuck, it's better than the idol I'm chasing!"

"A living omega? It's the first time I've seen it, can you post it on your Moments?"

Jiang Yunshu frowned and was about to pull the sugar over to make him stand on the side of the road, when a group of beta students who looked like middle and high school students came over with schoolbags, one of them leaned He went to the other ear to speak, but his voice didn't drop at all: "Hey, look at that omega, his face is so red, he looks like hee hee hee."

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