Chapter 60: "Be quiet."

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Imperial Hospital.

I don't know when, the two have inexplicably developed a habit of holding hands when they are outside.

"Is it uncomfortable to urinate? Will it hurt?"

Baitang held Jiang Yunshu's hand tightly, glanced at the alpha beside him awkwardly, and whispered: "No"

"Well," said the doctor, "Go inside and take off your pants, I'll check."

Jiang Yunshu also knew that he would not be able to let go of the white sugar, so he said, "I'm waiting outside."

After a while, Baitang came out with a small transparent tube in his hand, looking even more embarrassed, his forehead was flushed, "I, the doctor let me go"

Jiang Yunshu knew the process and agreed, but seeing Baitang bowing his head, twisting his fingers, and not moving, he glanced at Baitang's red ears, he didn't know what to think, his Adam's apple was slow He rolled down and said, "Can I help you?"

"No, no! I'll go by myself" Bai Tang said with his head stumbling on his neck, and ran away without looking back.

He was just a little afraid that he couldn't figure it out.

Jiang Yunshu waited outside the bathroom for almost half an hour before seeing Omega walking awkwardly. He noticed that Baitang's right palm was all red, and he seemed very anxious.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yunshu asked, "Are you all right?"

Baitang made a "hmm", but for half an hour, he felt that after several centuries, his mind was full of thoughts that Jiang Yunshu was still waiting outside, and the more he could not come out, the more anxious he became The more I couldn't get out, the temples were sweating, and the bottom was rubbed and stinged, and it was extremely uncomfortable to rub against the cloth when I walked.

"White sugar," his hand was suddenly held behind, Jiang Yunshu walked up three or two steps, and said calmly, "It's nothing, it's not a shame to have a problem with your body, if you have a problem, go to the treatment ,Enough."

It's not a sweet talk or a guarantee, just a simple narrative sentence, but it makes Bai Tang strangely calm down.

The doctor held several examination reports in his hand and said, "This is obviously ed, but based on your experience of being abused and the results of the examination, I think most of it is psychological The cause of ed and kidney qi deficiency, as well as some symptoms of prostatitis, but it is not serious, I will prescribe some medicine for you. In terms of eating, the most important thing is medicine and food conditioning. In terms of psychology, alpha can help, if If it doesn't work, I'm going to see a psychologist."

The two thanked each other and came to the omega department again.

"Examine the genital cavity?" The doctor looked calm, as if it was not the first time he heard such a ridiculous request, "Omega can't open the genital cavity when it is not in heat, of course, if you are not afraid of pain , the hospital also has instruments to forcibly open the genital cavity."

The degree of desolation of the omega department is comparable to that of the gland department. The doctor finally caught two patients and educated them in detail. Not sure?"

Baitang hesitated, talking about such a private matter beside Jiang Yunshu made him embarrassed for a while: "I know, but I just thought there was a way for the hospital to do it"

Jiang Yunshu was stunned when he heard this, his brows furrowed involuntarily: "How to check during the estrus period?"

"You two will come to the hospital when the estrus is approaching," the doctor said, "you have to have **** with him. After the omega voluntarily opens the genital cavity, our doctor goes in and uses the instrument Just check."

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