Part 7

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Your fight or flight mode was on. You wanted to believe that it was nothing but at the same time, you cannot deny the fact that Chishiya was very clever and would use you or anyone. He has done it to others right in front of you. You never agreed with his ways nor did you participate.You acted as if you ignored it. But now you were very cautious of whatever those two were doing. As the sun came up Kuina left, leaving you and Chishiya in the room. One part of you wanted to risk it and ask him directly but the other part was cautious and wanted to make sure that he has no clue.You planned on acting oblivious. Before you were leaving and said your goodbyes, he took your hand nervously and pulled you back in. His hand rested on your sides. At first, you felt sick thinking that he was acting so nice on the outside but what the hell was he planning?As if he read you again he said lowly, "Trust me if you can." You were surprised and your expression gave it away. He scuffed a little and looked down at his hands, not able to make any eye contact with you.At this point, he was so disgusted by himself. He hated how YOU are not fully trusting him too. For him what happened last night was a HUGE deal and now you had questions about his character.As much as he wanted to let it go and let you have your doubts, it meant that he had to let you go and the idea of holding you close even when you two are out of the borderlands.

"For once, do what you want Shuntaro. You cannot keep running from what you want just because it creates liability." his inner monologue said.

"As I said, you'll know soon enough," he said still not making any eye contact. You nodded still in doubt. You were way too scared now. First, he was acting way too nice and then he's hiding something that apparently "You'll know soon" and then how can we forget the secret meeting that he had last night?You went back to your room and tried to avoid those two and didn't come out. It was better to keep your distance but you couldn't do anything without feeling anxious and that is when you heard a knock on your door. You were too scared to open it and before you could gather the courage to get up, one of your roommates opened the door."Y/N it's for you." This is when you calculated all the exits that were possible if anything goes wrong. You were too stunned to get up from your bed. Suddenly a hand grabbed your wrist and you jerked back to see who it was. Chishiya. He looked surprised by the strength but not the reaction. "Come with me," he said softly.You were almost spiraling at this point. But you knew you can take him down easily all you have to do is find a weapon. As he gestured for you to get up and turned towards the door, you took the military knife that you snuck from the training sessions and hide it in your shirt.He was taking you to the meeting room where you crossed Kuina who gave you a very dull smile. You were sure something was up. You knew there were 2 openings from the meeting hall and if there were no gunmen there, you can escape. There were a shit ton of armed people.You accepted it, this was it for you. But you decided that if it came to that you won't go alone but take Chishiya down with you. As all of you entered the meeting hall you reached for your knife but before you can take it out, Chishiya put a hand on yours through your shirt to make sure you don't take it out and gestured you to look up.They caught Arisu red-handed going through a locker. This is when you could feel your body turn cold and weak. "I owe you both," Anugi said as he turned towards the both of you. You looked at him with confidence but on the inside, you were about collapse. "Just wanna be of service," Chishiya replied for the both of you.He then looked at you and scoffed. You knew he understood the entire thing. You pulled on his hand gesturing him to walk out of the room. Although it was more like he was pulling you because you were weak in your knees.First, you were already overstimulated by the thought of your death being close, and that too by none other than Chishiya & Kuina. Second, guilt kicked in so hard when you understood what Chishiya was doing. He included you in the praise even if you didn't do anything. He wanted to make your position even stronger now that Aguni was in charge (which you later got to know).Before you could say anything to Chishiya, "Unlike us, you have some morals. So we kept you out." he said not looking at you, and then walked away. Not before stealing a quick glance at you. You cannot believe you doubted them. YOU PLANNED ON KILLING HIM. Yet he kept going according to the plan.You looked at Kuina with tears at the brink of your eyes. You could see that she was disappointed in you. She left without saying anything.The next few hours felt so long as you spend them in your room. You were just waiting for the time after dinner so that you can go to your spot and see if they'd come or not. Although you had mixed feelings since you were not sure what would you say after you met them. The least you could do at this point is to apologize. You had no idea what was going on in his mind after this. He'd leave you out after this for sure. How could you doubt someone who helped you as much as he could gain a strong place at the beach? Even if he was doing this for his ulterior motives it still doesn't justify why would he help you earlier with Niragi.The sunset and you headed to the dining hall. But out of nowhere, you heard the sound of the game. There was no gaming arena nearby so what was this? You looked around and everyone was just as confused as you were. You saw some people walking towards the waiting here.You saw the mobiles lying there as a girl was stabbed dead. The Beach WAS the game now. You were one of the few ones who walked in, still, you walked to the back of the room and spotted Chishiya and Kuina too. You were about to wave your hand but then the morning events played in your head and out of shame you couldn't. So you looked away instead.As the lady in the game explained the game. There was a wave of uneasiness among the crowd who were now doubting each other. You already knew this was not gonna end well with the way Niragi was excited. Breaking your faith in him, Aguni allowed his team to mass shoot anyone and everyone who was not an executive.You looked over in Chishiya's direction to see what he was gonna do but as usual, he vanished in thin air. Not before grabbing you by your hand and taking you along with Kuina. None of you were executive and not to mention that you were a part of Aguni's group so technically you were supposed to shoot them as well. If you don't then the one and only rule will apply to you, "Death to the traitor."You walked behind both of them with your head held down quietly. You didn't know what else were you supposed to do. So you just followed them, trusting that they know what they were doing.They all went into the camera room, only executives had the access to this room so no one would think to come here plus the shooter won't be able to. "They have all gone crazy," Kuina said monitoring the screens. You finally looked up to see the screen and you were just happy that there was no voice in the camera, it was a massacre. You could feel Chishiya's eyes on you but you still acted as if you were all focused on the screen. "Not their smartest move." it felt as if he was saying this to you, "Why would they go this far just to survive?""There is no way to find who the witch is this way," you said silently to break the ice. Kuina turned a little to acknowledge that. "You could be the witch. Right Kuina?" Chishiya said looking at you. Okay, it was clear as crystal now that he was taunting you the entire time."Or it could be you." She replied oblivious to what was happening as her backs were against you two. All of you decide to break as Kuina and you started to move in the same direction she said, "I'm not mad, just a little disappointed." and then parted ways with you. You took a breath of relief which didn't last that long.You had no clue as to what you should do, and that is when Usagi came saw you, and came running towards you, "Where is he?!" She was furious and had all the right to. "I don't know," you said silently and with authority. A trick that Chishiya taught you was to be calm and always have authority in your voice when talking to a disturbed person. This helps you to be the one in control. You knew that this group is a piece of bad news because the shooters are going to shoot them for sure because of what they have done.But then you realized that they were in this trouble because of you. Directly or indirectly. So you decided to help her. She was confused as to why would you go out of your way to help her after what you did in the morning but then figured out that the more the merrier.But before you two can cross even one hallway, you were faced by shooters who were now pointing at you two and started shooting like crazy. You suddenly felt pain in the right side of your abdomen.

This was it was the last thing you thought before it all went black.

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