Part 9

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"I'd say I taught you well too," he said for your quick thinking as you two were clear of the danger. You smiled back. Being with him calmed you down.

Before you can look around to check for any supplies, Chishiya took your hand, pulled you in by your back, and brought both of your lips closer.

But before he can kiss one of the windows blew off as King must have tried to shoot someone on the road. It caught you off guard and you pulled back a little but not Chishiya. He was still standing there staring at you intently. Trying to take in as much as he can before he said, "We should go to the back of the building it is not safe here."He let go of you, the inside of you was cursing the King at top of your lungs but you acted cool. You both went even deeper into the building and it turned out to be an office.Which reminded you of your life and your miserable corporate job before Borderlands. Living the same meaningless life again and again on auto-pilot. Not having any control over anything but just going with the flow like a dead fish. Look at you now, fighting people off, strategizing like a genius, and winning all the games.You had control now. Wait... you have the control now. You walked over to Chishiya and kissed him as he was pressed against a desk. He didn't pull back but smiled as he gave in. "What do you think you're doing Y/N?" he said in between the kisses. "Taking the control back" you replied trying to catch your breath and then continue kissing him again.He turned you around and now you were pressed against the desk as he hovered over you and kissed you even more deeply. "Oh so now you trust me?" he said pulling a bit on your hair as he moved your face and started kissing your neck. You couldn't even make up a clever answer so you gave up and moaned deeply. This was something that you were waiting for so long.His hand reached under your shirt and took it off and you did the same to his jacket. Desperation was very clear among both of you. He pulled your knees up and made you sit on the desk as he held your jaw with one hand and the other one was working on getting rid of your bra which he did with a swift motion. After the incident, he was keeping his distance from you but that doesn't mean that he wasn't practicing this over and over again in his head.As his lips made it to the center of your bare chest and he cupped one of your breasts you let out a loud moan. It had been a long time since you were touched and nothing can compare to HIM doing this to you. He let out a smirk as he started sucking on the other one.Then one of his hands slid down before he can even make any sort of contact he looked up at you, "Can I?" you nodded frantically "Good I like the enthusiasm" Yea he was big on teasing and making you embarrassed.As he opened the zipper and slid his hand inside, this time BOTH OF YOU MOANED, and since his mouth was on you the vibration on your nipples made your pleasure even more intense. To his surprise you were wet. He had imagined this all happening but the scenarios could never match THIS.He started going up and down your clothed slick as he came back to kiss your lips. This time his tongue entered your mouth and the pleasure from him touching your down there, his hand pulling on your hair as his weight was on you, and his tongue exploring your mouth made you cross your legs around him and cage him bringing him closer.Then he let your jeans fall down with your panties and he touched you for real this time. As if the wetness woke some sort of beast in him, his kisses became deeper & more passionate than ever before and his circles on your clit were oh-so-gentle, just like the way you want. This was surprising because no other guy you have been with knew how to do it properly. So it was the first time you were getting just what you wanted. You were quite literally in euphoria right now.He then started going down your neck, chest, and abdomen and finally kissed your inner thigh. You shut your eyes close getting ready for him to kiss you THERE but soon you realized what he was doing, kissing on your inner thigh and moving back as soon as he came close. You opened your eyes and looked down at him, he had a smirk on his face as he looked up at you. This fucker was teasing you the entire time!You knew just what to do, "Please Chishiya I want to come so bad. Please!" You caught him off guard. You knew begging was a turn-on for him because of the ways he made people do it AND WHEN YOU DO IT? His face gave him away. Before you can go any further he was sucking & licking on your clit and his fingers found their way inside you.You could have not rolled your eyes back any further than you did after this. The entire floor was filled with nothing but your moans and some of these muffed moans because you clenched your thighs around his face trying to get used to the pleasure. You were worried you were doing it too much but then he said "Push me in further" and you obliged as you ran your hand through his hair and pulled him in even further.This is when you can hear him moaning even louder. "Cum, cum for me Y/N," he said with a muffled voice. As you were getting close and your legs started to shiver he encouraged you even more, his words doing just as much as his mouth and fingers were doing, "Yes cum for me, that's it, make me proud baby cum on my face."That was it for you and you came undone. You were not even down your high when he licked all of it off of you and came up to kiss you not before saying, "Taste yourself."Breaking from the kiss you both looked at each other, now the trust issues, the guilt, the blame everything was gone. It was just two of you looking at each other admiring who you both have pulled. Which was quite honorable for the both of you.He helped you get dressed again with so much gentleness and care in his touch. You've never been this intimate with someone where doing such a simple thing felt like you were so close to him."I'm sorry," you said as you looked down. He knew what you were talking about. "You don't have to be Y/N. We're in Borderlands. And when it comes to people like me you can never be too cautious." he replied trying to console you. "You're not that bad of a person you know. I don't know what picture you've painted of yourself in your head but I'll blank the canvas and paint a beautiful one. The true one." you said as you hugged him.

You were not aware of this but he had tears in his eyes. Even he was surprised to feel this emotion again. To be heard and understood.

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