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Hey here is chapter 3.
Thx for reading lovelies <3
Enjoy :)

Blossom 🌸


Rosie's pov:

I opened my eyes and was confused for a second, then remembered that I was at Hogwarts. "C'mon stand up already" I heard Draco from the bathroom. I got out of bed and took my Slytherin uniform. I liked the skirt. I left the first few bottoms of my blouse open before I put the tie around my neck loosely. My fingers were decorated by silver rings. I did my hair before brushing my teeth. When I was done I waited for Draco before going to the Great hall.
For breakfast I ate pencakes while chatting with Draco and a few other people. Someone sat down across from me and I looked up to see Pansy and Daphne. "How is it so far?" Daphne asked. "Great,thanks" I said.

When I finished breakfast I went over to the Gryffindor table to talk to Harry. I greeted him with a "hey" but he ignored me. He had never done that. Maybe he just didn't hear me. "Hey Harry" I said again but he still didn't respond. I tapped him on the shoulder and finally he turned around. "What?" Was the only thing he said. Well, that was new.

Harry had never been angry at me and I didn't really find anything I had done wrong so I just said "Can't I talk to my brother?" to wich my beloved brother just scoffed and turned around again. Now I was even more confused. What did I do wrong? "Harry why are you acting like this?" I asked but apparently I shouldn't have because now he stood up and started talking in an annoyed tone. " Why don't you go ask Malfoy?" What did Draco have to do with this? I wanted to ask Harry so much but he just sat down again.

I went out of the Great hall and to my first class. Potions. I sat down at the back and started reading a book about different spells. After some time students started coming in and sat down. Finally Snape came into the room.

He greeted everyone. "Morning students. Since we're starting a new year there's gonna be a seating arrangement. He listed a few names of people who should sit with each other until he finally said "Mrs Potter with Mr Riddle please."

Shortly after I saw Mattheo coming my way. He sat down next to me and said hello. "Hey Riddle" I responded. We talked until Snape told us to make a potion. "Should I get the ingredients?" Mattheo asked. "Sure, thx" I answered.

He went to get everything and came back with his hands full. I carefully took the things and put them on the desk. We made the potion successful and gained 10 points for Slytherin. "Good job" I told him and he said "not bad yourself" to wich I smiled.

Mattheo and I were allowed to go. We went our separate ways and I went to my room since I had a free period. I sat down in my bed and read for a while. Then I thought about what Harry had said earlier. I decided to talk to Draco at lunch.

Mattheos pov:

I thought about her a lot. Since that girl came to Hogwarts something inside me was different. But she was a Potter. They were not to be trusted. I couldn't fall for anything she did. But her hands when she worked on the potion we made...
No you're all Riddle, she's a Potter. It's clear.
But her voice. It gave me butterflies.
Nope. I had to keep my distance.

I felt a stinging in my arm. My father wanted to talk to me. I apperated Malfoy manor and went into the meeting room. "Hello dear son, sit down." My father said. "Hello father." I greeted before sitting down. "So you are surely wondering why I called you here. You have probably heard about Rosie Potter" he stated. "Yes, she's in Slytherin." I said before he continued. "Well, she is more powerful than her pathetic brother so now it will be your task to keep an eye on her." "Yes father" I said. "May I go now?" I asked and he dismissed me.

When I arrived back at Hogwarts it was lunch time so I went to the Great hall. I sat down next to Draco, across from me sat Blasie and next to Blasie Rosie. She was talking to Draco. "So I have a question." She said. "Go on" Malfoy responded to wich she asked "Harry is acting weird, do you have an idea why?" Draco thought for a while then said "No, sorry"

"C'mon it's easy" I suddenly said. "Harry hates Draco so he definitely has a problem with you two being friends. And Gryffindor and Slytherin don't have the best relationship either." "Omg. You could be right. But... It's not my fault I'm Slytherin" Rosie looked sad.

No. I couldn't let some dumb feelings take over me. I stood up and walked out of the Great hall.

Rosie's pov:

It had been almost a week since Harry stopped talking to me. Most nights I had snuck out to go to the astronomy tower. I just sat there and cried. Recently I had smoking but it didn't really help so I didn't do it very often. Tonight I had gotten myself some whiskey wich I was now drinking. I lit a cigarette and started smoking. There were steps and I felt someone's presence but I didn't have the energy to turn around and look who it was. The person disappeared again and I stayed for a while before I went to bed at like 4am. At exactly 6:27am my alarm would ring but I couldn't bring myself to sleep.

I must've slept in eventually because I woke up to my alarm ringing and Draco complaining that it was too loud. I got out of bed and turned it off before I got into my uniform and brushed my hair. I went to breakfast, then to potions without talking to anyone. Shortly after I sat down in my seat Mattheo came in and sat down next to me. "Hey" he said. I didn't respond. "Hey Rosie" he said, louder this time. I looked up from my book and nodded before turning back to reading.

Mattheos pov:

Last night I had seen her. Sitting on the railing of the astronomy tower, smoking and drinking. I wanted to talk to her today but I couldn't. This girl made me go soft and I just couldn't give into that. We sat there in silence, she reading, I thinking until Snape came into the room and started teaching.

So that was the third chapter. I feel like this is the first one where actually something happened

Thx for reading

Love and stay safe strangers :)

Blossom 🌸

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