She's The One

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Natasha's POV:

I walk down stairs to the avengers in the living room all sat playing Peters nintendo switch that Stark got him for his birthday last month.

"Hey guys, has anyone seen Y/N" i ask the bunch of men sat playing like children on the console.
"I saw her last being forced to play princesses with Morgan" Says Tony.

I nod and make my way upstairs and stand at the door way of Morgan's room. I stop looking at the sight in front of me, my girlfriend tucking the 3 year old girl into bed.
"Good night Magoona" she says as she kisses a sleeping Morgan's forehead.

Y/N's POV:

I tuck little Morgan into bed as it's 7pm, i turn her night light on and turn off her big light and go to walk out of her room where i spot Nat as she just stares at me.

"Nat? Is everything okay?"
"Yes dorogoy everything is fine, i was just watching you with Morgan and thinking about how good of a mum you're going to be some day"

She cups my face and kisses me softly.
"Let's go to bed my love" She says.
I nod my head and we head to our shared room and change into some comfy clothes to sleep in.
I change into some pajama shorts and one of Nat's big t-shirts.
Nat changes into a pair of grey joggers and a cropped tank top.

We get into bed and i lay my head on Nat's chest listening to the sound of her heart beat until i fall asleep while she plays with my hair.

Natasha's POV:

Seeing Y/N with Morgan today just makes me even more happy that she's my girlfriend, she's gonna be a great mum one day, seeing how motherly and kind she is with kids makes me fall for her even harder, she is the one.


Author Note:

Heyyy, i haven't seen any stories with little Morgan in them so i decided to make one. i'm so sorry if it's bad, i'm still new to all of this.

Anyway thank you for reading!! i hope you are all doing okay and looking after yourselves.

Please leave any requests in the comments and i will be sure to read all of them <3

Thank you x

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