It all began in China, In Qing Qing City. There was news that a baby that gave off light was born. Ever since then, superpowers were discovered in various places, and time passed without the cause being identified.
The world has become a superhuman...
Like: his grandpa , cousin Jiro , chili fries, video games, smothes.
Dislike: bullies, omnitrix timeing out, people getting hurt.
Hero name: ben 10
Ben got the Omnitrix when he was 10 years old. At first he was only able to access 10 aliens, but as years go by he discovers that there are more than 10 DNA samples inside the Omnitrix.
[Aliens he had at 10 years old 1. Heatblast 2. Fourarms 3. Grey Matter 4. Upgrade 5. Ripjaws 6. XLR8 7. Wildmutt 8. Stinkfly. 9. Ghostfreak 10. Diamondhead
[Aliens he unlocked so far] 11. Cannonbolt 12. Wildvine 13. Upchuck 14. Humoungasaur 15. Ditto 16. Rath
Omnitrix Info
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The Omnitrix is the strongest device in the world but is has it's ups and downs. The Omnitrix can of course change the user into any alien that the user has access to, but they only stay in the alien form for a limited time. So far, Ben can stay in alien form for about 15 minutes but changes back to normal thus putting the Omnitrix in recharge mode. It takes the Omnitrix roughly about 10-15 minutes to fully recharge. There are still so many secrets of the Omnitrix that Ben doesn't know about, but he will find out in his path of becoming a hero.
Backstory: HE WAS born without a quirk BUT always look up to all might and admire to become a hero similar to his friend Midoriya. ONE DAY HE found a pod from out of space that he thought was a shooting star but it wasn't it was revealed to be a watch. And the watch enabled him to TURN INTO VAIROUS SUPER•POWERED ALIENS, before he was move HE MOVED INTO THE U.A. DORMS HE WAS LIVING WITH HIS GRANDFATHER and cousin. HIS PARENTS got into a bad accident when he was young and they had to send him with his grandpa and cousin to go take a trip and live in Japan. HE IS Midoriya and bakugo's CHILDHOODFRIEND AND WOULD ALWAYS SPEND ALL HIS TIME WITH them they all been friends since kindergarten. HE IS INITIALLY COCKY, AND sometimes childish HOWEVER, DESPITE THAT HE IS HEROIC, CARING, AND GENERALLY GOOD NATURED, and always put his life on the line TO SAVE AND PROTECT OTHERS AT ANYTIME.