Season 2 chapter 10 hero internship

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Aizawa: "Everyone has their costumes right?"

Aizawa questions the class.

Aizawa: "You don't have permission to wear them out in public yet. And don't lose them or anything."

Ashido: "Gotcha!"

Ashido cheerfully replied.

Aizawa: "Speak properly! It's 'yes sir! Ashido..."

Ashido: "Yes sir..."

Aizawa: "Make sure you watch your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it."

Ben: "*sigh* Oh boy, that's when the anxiety kicks in.
Well, see you guys around. Good luck

Midoriya: "Uh-t-hanks, you too, ben

Midoriya replied.

Midoriya: "Iida, wait!"

He ran off.

Kirishima: "Tokoyami, ben you're board to Kyushu, right?"

Kirishima wondered.

Ben: yeah, that's right."

Kirishima: "Aw, man. that's awesome! You guys are gonna be interning with the No. 3 hero! How awesome is that?"

Tokoyami: "It truly is a great opportunity."

Tokoyami remarked.

Ben: "Yeah.."

Ben agreed.

Ben: "Yep, let's go, Tokoyami..."

The two embarked their train, and off to Fukoka they go. Fukoka is a large and heavily populated city on the northern shore of Kyushu, home of Hawks, and his base of operations. A while later, the train arrived at the station. They decided to walk to the agency, since it's not very far from the station. The streets are agitated and full of life, with a charming and very contemporary feeling. They arrived at a tall, important looking building.

Ben: "Hmm

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Ben: "Hmm... this looks like it."

Ben looked up.

Tokoyami: "According to the address, it is."

Ben: "Alright."

Ben breathed deeply.

Ben: "Let's do this."

They walked in, the place had a modern look inside. They walked up to a secretary awaiting behind a desk.

Secretary: "Oh, hi! You two must be Ben and Tokoyami, from U.A High?"

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