Season 3 chapter 3 kevin 11

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Everyone was standing their guard while the green skinned villain wearing the Stain outfit starts to speak.

???: How are you this evening, U.A. High School?
We are the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains!

Ojiro: League of Villains?! Why are they here..?

???: Shall I crush this girl's head? What'd you think? Well, what do you think?

Tora: Like I'd let you, you--

???: Wait up, Big Sis Mag! Don't be hasty. You too, Tora. Calm down. It all depends on whether having power over life and death follows Stain's tenets or not.

Midoriya: Stain...

lida: So, you're the ones his ideology brought?

??? That's right! I'm-- Oh yeah, you, with the glasses! You were the one who brought about the end of Stain at Hosu City. I apologize for the late introduction.

The villain then pulls out a large sword that was made up of smaller blades all tied together.

Spinner: I'm Spinner, the one who will spin his dreams into reality!

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Spinner: I'm Spinner, the one who will spin his dreams into reality!

Tora: I don't care, but you bastards... The woman lying there, Pixie Bob, has started worrying about getting married recently. She was doing her best to find happiness as a woman, despite her age. You can't damage that woman's face and then just stand there laughing thoughtlessly about it!

Spinner: What's a hero doing trying to be happy like the average person?!

Mandalay : Tora! I've broadcast instructions. Leave the safety of the other students to Ragdoll. The two of us will hold them back here! Go, everyone!
Listen carefully. Do not fight. Class rep, you're in charge!

lida: Understood! Let's go!

The students then start to leave but Ben and Midoriya didn't move a muscle.

lida: Ben! Midoriya!

Midoriya : Go on ahead!

lida: What are you saying?!

Ben: Mandalay!

Mandalay looks back at Ben and Midoriya.

Ben & Midoriya : We know where he is!

Mandalay knew exactly what the two were talking about and struggles to make a decision, but she finally makes it.

Mandalay: Please, go get Kota! But, do not fight!

Ben & Midoriya : Right!

The two then leaves the group and then head towards Kota's hideout hoping he was okay. As the two were running Midoriya was wondering why and how the villains were at the training camp.

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