It all began in China, In Qing Qing City. There was news that a baby that gave off light was born. Ever since then, superpowers were discovered in various places, and time passed without the cause being identified.
The world has become a superhuman...
The next day went as usual, even though U.A is known for its hero course, it is still a school, that meant core classes as any normal school. After the morning classes, it was time for lunch, wich is a special time too since the food hero Lunch Rush himself makes the food. After that, Hero Basic Training.
Class 1-A was discussing random stuff as they waited for the next class. Ben was sitting on his chair, fumbling with the omnitrix and talking to people about the Quirk Assessment Test.
???: "H-Hey..."
he was approached by the earphone jacks girl, from the Entrance Exam.
Jiro: "I never really thanked you for helping me with my class work So... Thanks."
spoke up, blushing a little. Ben looked up, and smiled.
Ben: "It was nothing really..."
replied, eyes closed, smiling, blushing and scratching the back of his head.
Jiro: "Name's Kyoka Jiro. I think we'll see each other a lot through the year, so..."
She looked around, avoiding his gaze, fiddling with her earphone jacks. "Yeah...
Ben: "Pleased to meet you, Kyoka. I'm Ben tennyson !"
"Ben . Got it. See you around, Ben ." She waved shyly and went back to her desk.
Ben went back to his notebook, with a dumb smile. Kirishima looked at ben with a smug smile, knowing exactly what's happening.
Ben: "What?"
Ben spoke up as he saw the redhead.
Kirishima: "Nothing..."
Kirishima smirked.
The class continued chattering, after some time the classroom door bursted open, scaring everyone, the class went silent.
"I Am Here..!"
The class began chattering again, reconizing the voice.
All might: "Coming through the door like a Hero!"
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All Might came in, in his hero costume, the class grew even more excited.
Kaminari: "I can't believe it's All Might!"
Spoke Kaminari.
Kirishima: "So he really is a teacher!" "This year is gonna be totally awesome!"
Kirishima added.
Ben: "Can't wait to learn from the best!"
Added Ben
Frog girl: "Hey look! Is he wearing his silver age costume?"