Season 2 chapter 9 Time to Pick Some Names

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The two days of school off passed in a flash. It was finally time to get back to work. The day was is rainy and moody, the grayish skies give off a strange vibe. As always, Midoriya and Ben walk together to school, both equipped with a umbrella to protect themselves from the weather.

Ben : "So, how was your two days of rest, Future Hero?"

Midoriya: "I was barely able to sleep at all."

Ben: "I understand. Ida, right?"

Midoriya: "How'd you know?"

Ben: "His brother was all over the news, it's kind of obvious. I was worried too. I hope this doesn't mess with lida.

Midoriya: "Yeah. This Hero Killer, is he with the League?"

Midoriya questioned.

Ben: "Those villains from the USJ attack? Who knows?
They were a bunch of pushovers, this guy killed a bunch of pro heroes."

Midoriya: "*sigh* Just thinking about that makes my head hurt. I feel like I'm barely awake."

Iida: "Good morning! Ben, Midoriya!"

Midoriya & Ben: huh

The two turned around and saw lida running. He was donning a green raincoat.

Ben: "Oh, it's you!"

Iida: "Why on earth are you two walking so slowly?
You'll be late!"

Midoriya: "Wait, but there's still five minutes before the first bell!"

They followed lida running.

Iida: "U.A students should always arrive ten minutes early, don't you think?"

lida dashed off.

Midoriya: "Uh..."

Midoriya turned to Ben with a confused look. He just replied with a confused shrug.

They entered the school, lida was leaving his rain gear in his locker.

Ben: "You should talk with him."

Midoriya: "Wha- me?"

Ben: "Yep. I'll see you in class."

Ben walked off,

Ben arrived at the class, everyone was talking about the festival, and how their participation affected them. Most, if not all, were already being recognized. That's U.A for you.

Ashido: "It's so weird that people recognized us from the

Ashido spoke up.

Ashido: "Everyone wanted to talk to me on my way here."

Kirishima: "Yeah, me too!"

Kirishima joined.

Ben: "Well, they're excited."

Ben murmured as he walked to his desk.

Ben: hey

He greeted nonchalantly.

Jiro: "Heyy-"

Jiro replied.

Jiro: "I-I mean, s-sup, ben

She blushed.

Sero: "You wouldn't believe what a bunch of school brats yelled at me."

Sero frowned.

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