𝟸) 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚊 𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎?

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when you meet people, you don't usually think about the end before the beginning. but all jisung thinks about is how a story ends. he doesn't care for the middle or the first scene, not even the climax because it doesn't matter at the end of the day, because at the end, the story is over, regardless of how it ended.

everyone's life starts from birth but the end always ends with death.

yes, they may have lived a horrible life but died in the end so did it really matter? everything is erased right? in a couple of years no one will know her story, no one will know her name, and absolutely nobody is going to visit her grave. it's not even like jisung could afford a gravestone anyway, you'd never imagine how much they charge you for a slab of polished stone.

"how close were you to them?" jisung asked after they introduced themselves. he already knew that they had both just witnessed the end of two stories, and no there isn't a sequel.

"she was my ex-girlfriend, a while ago though," minho said and he can feel tears building in his eyes.

"why were you here then? i mean if, you guys aren't together anymore,"

"she called me last," he whispered.

"oh..." jisung whispered as well, not knowing how to react to that, "what did she say?"

the boy wiped his tears away, "just sorry, for how she treated me. she knew that i moved on but i guess she wanted to say goodbye i guess? i'm not necessarily sad, i'm just lost. how about you?"

"i don't really have a story, my mom died. that's it." the blonde responded as he finished his beer.

"that's it?" minho repeated.

"yup, that's it,"

"so are you broken or do you just want to stay mysterious?" the new boy asked.

jisung had to think about that for a moment, maybe he's a little bit of both. he never really opens up to people, especially not strangers. he doesn't have many friends in school either, or any for that matter.

"maybe i'm a little bit of both, is that okay?" he said in a questioning tone.

minho laughed a little, "sounds good to me, i'll be able to pick you apart sooner or later,"

"so there's going to be a later?" jisung rose his eyebrows, not knowing that he would ever meet this stranger again. he thought this would be a one-time thing.

no one wants to be his friend. he's the reject, the emo, the addict. he's nothing but a waste of space, another mouth to feed, someone that takes up time. who would ever want to see him again?

"well, tell me how old you are and maybe i'll give you my number, you are one pretty stranger, jisung," honestly, minho seemed more mysterious than the other.

"im eighteen, im a senior in high school, how old are you?" the blonde asked curiously.

"im twenty-two. im in my second year of college,"

"only second year? what happened, did you start school late?"

"i took two gap years to travel the world before i had to settle down and think about what i want to do, which i still have no idea what that is," minho said before his phone made a sound.

he quickly checked it as it looked like he got a message, he sighed and put his phone away back into his pocket, "sorry i have to leave so soon, my roommate is locked out of our apartment,"

he stood up and took his keys out of his pocket and unlocked his car. he stood up and gestured his hand to jisung to help pull him from the sidewalk.

now that jisung was standing minho really was able to get a good look at the boy. he wore baggy jeans and an oversized sweatshirt with holes in it. it looked like he had some platforms on, but he was still short.

his eyes were pretty in the moonlight even though it was dark, he looked at his big doe eyes, and he looked sad. minho could see that he had a bruise around his neck.

even though they just met, minho just couldn't bare leaving this boy here by himself at four in the morning at the hospital his mom just died.

he went a little closer to the younger and took jisung's hood and fixed it up a little around his head and shoulders. when he did step closer he was able to see the boy's face even more by the light that was coming from the hospital and the street lights around.

little scratches littered his face, especially on his cheeks. his blonde hair with his roots growing out was covering his left eye so he slowly raised his fingers to brush the little strains out of the way but jisung flinched when he raised his hand.

minho understood that he didn't want to be touched and put his hand down, "i'm sorry i should have asked—"

"no, it's okay, i'm just...a little nervous around new people i guess," jisung let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

another ring came from the man's phone. he checked it sighed and put it back into his pocket.

"i have to go, are you going to be okay to find your way home? or do you need a ride?" minho asked softly.

home. jisung just realized what's waiting at home. his air mattress, the empty fridge, and the bowls of canned food that fill up the dirty sink. even his lighter, his pills, and worse, his father.

he doesn't have a mother anymore to protect him, now he's the only one that has to take the hits, he's going to have to calm himself down, and hold his own head over the toilet when he drinks or takes too many substances. who's gonna wake him up for school? sing him to sleep... make his peach iced tea?

but he has to shake all of that off right now. because the stranger in front of him has to go and school starts in two and a half hours.

"i'll be okay, i can walk,"  he nodded his head as he spoke.

"you sure? here let me see your phone," minho asked as jisung handed him his old phone he's had since ninth grade.

minho types a number in and makes contact, "i know we just met, but if you need someone or you are ever in danger, call me okay?"

jisung nodded and said thank you and waved minho off as he drove away.


(wc; 1.1k) 

-updates will be more regularly this month 

𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝚒 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚞 | 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐Where stories live. Discover now