Chapter Four- Something wicked this way comes

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For as long as Runa could remember, nothing had happened, and days had blurred into one hazy blur of gold and grey- warmth and rain. She had begged Ren to act more times than she could remember, and nothing changed. He always dismissed her with an excuse about the sun, stars and moon being in the wrong position. But despite all that, she had always felt on the verge of something, always felt like tomorrow was the day when she would finally be free.

Yesterday, it seemed, she had been right.

The palace intended to hold a ball tomorrow, celebrating the King's murderous successes. It was one of the rare occasions where the poorest were allowed to see the dazzling splendour of his murderous wealth. Of course, it would also be the night when all his precious gems and other extravagant nonsense would be within their reach. The crown would be within her reach.

That was how Ren had decided it was time to strike.

He had told her the night after she had met Cyrus. It had also been the night after one of his meetings with the other essential members of their group- Elena, Christopher and Mal. Runa had never been to the discussions, but Ren always told her exactly what had happened. There was not a sentence that he forgot, not a pause or gesture that he didn't complete. It was almost as if Ren was an actor, performing a play that sometimes Runa forgot was not actually happening at that moment. Ren had always been excellent at everything he did, and Runa couldn't find it within herself to envy him. Ren had always seemed so powerful, untouchable- almost god-like, but he was kind and had decided to raise and protect someone as insignificant as her from all the world's dangers. Ren was everything.

Unfortunately, however, today, he was making her visit Mal. The few encounters Runa could remember with the decaying man involved him shouting, insulting Ren and mocking her adoration of him. How could she not respect the man who was like family to her? Mal was ridiculous- she had decided- old, stupid and utterly absurd. Evil as well, especially after he called Ren that. But he was the best strategist willing to help them. So, for that reason, Ren listened to him and needed her to see him for a debriefing. It wasn't even as if the plan was that hard! She just needed to get near the crown, apply her power to it, and they were free! Ren knew best, Runa reminded herself, so if he wanted her to go and see Mal, she had to go and do it.

"Hello, sir." she began, wiping off the traces of flaking paint from the door as it creaked open. Mal stood behind it, his piercing golden eyes narrowing at the sight of her.


"Yes, Sir." Runa followed behind him, unable to stop herself from looking around in awe at the house's interior. Golden, glowing light slid down every surface, glinting off the ornate frames that melded into the dark walls. And inside those intricate frames were the most extraordinary paintings Runa had ever seen. Each image was like a portal to another world- the landscapes painted with delicate brushstrokes that moulded together to capture a beautiful scene whilst pure, raw emotion dripped off every portrait. She was surprised to see- reading the signatures- that most were famous, long-dead artists whose works were nearly priceless. How could he have got these? They had to be forged, right? But they were so incredible, so- everything, that whoever had painted them had to have been talented.

"Yes, they are real. Yes, they're worth a lot now. Can you come in here now, or do you intend to keep standing there gawking?" Mal croaked from the furthest doorway down the corridor.

"I'm so sorry. How did you get all these?"

"Sometimes, all you need is to know the right person," he laughed, watching as she half-ran up the corridor, "though it was my husband who was the true collector."

Runa simply nodded. Mal didn't seem like the kind of person to want pity or sympathy, though she didn't know him well enough to tell. However, it seemed she had chosen correctly, given that he didn't insult Runa or complain. He didn't react- Mal continued with what he was doing- sitting behind a dark oak desk and motioning for her to sit on the other side. Wonders filled every inch of this room too. Intricate and elegant machines whirred and whizzed around ancient artefacts and sculptures whilst even more paintings lined the walls. But all of that seemed to fade as Runa noticed the books. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of them, all extraordinarily rare, from what she could tell, and filled with knowledge from civilisations long since turned to ash and dust. She could spend decades in this room alone and still not have read it all. It was incredible. But, as much as Runa hated to admit it, she was not here to look at books, machines, sculptures or paintings.

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