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Wally and I spent hours together, we chatted about what the Team had been up to, We watched film upon film (my favourite was Finding Nemo, for some reason, Wally wouldn't let me watch The Lion King), we even managed to prank Tim. It was totally Asterous.

The next day, we agreed to arrive in the cave together. As we walked in, 

B-03: KidFlash

B-01: Robin

Connor looked up from his static for a split second- I counted that as a win. Artemis stood from her weapons stack and came over to say hi. Kaldur nodded to me with a smile. And M'gann, well,

"Robin!" M'gann squealed, "Wally said you'd be coming back today, I made cookies!" I looked at the cookies and they didn't look too bad, they were remarkably unburnt for something M'gann had mad.

They were blue, of course.

At some point, the team discovered my love of blue food and, well, now everything we eat is blue. It feels really good to keep up the tradition that my family had in the Circus.

Wally sped up to grab one but I swatted his hand away,

"These cookies were made to celebrate me, I get first pick, Kid Idiot." I announced. Wally pouted but didn't come for my cookies again. Besides, I only took one before offering them around.

We were about to go to the living room to catch up when we were alerted of a mission through the alarm system (how are they alerted of missions?). I admit, I was pretty excited to be back doing smaller heroing tasks after the War. Wally looked ecstatic and I couldn't blame him, I missed doing missions with my boyfriend too, after all. Most of us walked calmly down the hallway, getting lapped by Wally every few seconds.

Once we had all lined up in the briefing room, Bats began to explain our mission to us,

"We've received reports of a group of suspected Metas terrorising citizens of San Diego (this doesn't mean anything, it's the only place in the U.S.A that I've ever been to, it's where my aunt lives). They seem to all be female with an age range of 9-18. This is a Covert operation, identify, apprehend and question the leader." Batman explained. Artemis scoffed like this was a waste of her time, speaking of Artemis...

I really hope those 'Metas' aren't who I think they are.

45 minutes later, we were loading onto the airship. While Zeus threatened me to never fly, something about the Bioship deters him, perhaps because Spaceships aren't his domain in the same way that Planes are. It's really lucky, I don't know how I'd explain to the Team that I'm not allowed to Fly.

"ETA, 15 minutes" Kaldur said stoically as he checked his Water-Bearers. I nodded and turned back to my boyfriend. Wally and I had been sending morse-code messages to each other. I wasn't worried that anyone had heard them, the only person who would understand morse code is Artemis and she's listening to music so loud that it's reaching my ears even though she's wearing headphones.

When we finally did arrive, I knew the constant prayers I'd been giving any god I could think of were not sufficient. The 'Meta Gang' were indeed the Hunters Of Artemis. I was desperately looking for a way out but luckily Kaldur, unknowingly, came to my rescue,

"We should split up, Miss M will create a mind link to connect us and we will scout out the area. KidFlash, go with Robin. Miss Martian, come with me and Artemis and Superboy will go together." we all nodded and dispersed. Once I was sure that I was far enough away from Superboy that he would not hear us, I turned to Wally and said,

"They're the Hunters of Artemis. The leaders we're looking for are my cousins, the Goddess Artemis and Thalia Grace. We need to sneak in to Thalia's tent and tell her that we mean her no harm and not to reveal my identity." Wally nodded and gave me a quick peck before speeding me into Thalia's tent.

At first Thalia was defensive but I took my mask off and she said,

"Oh, hey Percy." Then her eyes widened in  realization, "You're Robin?" she asked in disbelief,

"Yeah. Thals, look, I don't have much time. My team is here, they want to take you in for questioning, I need you to go with them and whatever you do, DON'T reveal my identity. Please?" I added the last word because she didn't seem convinced. Reluctantly, she nodded. I thanked her and told her to hand herself over while I explain everything to Lady Artemis. 

This was going to get messy. This is why I don't mix Lives.

It's late and for some reason I can hear a Role call/Register being taken in my head. Should I be concerned?

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter. Vote, comment and add this to your library if you want to get more chapters.

I have a question, did anyone ever watch Mr Ben? It was a kids show about a guy who had adventures in a magic costume shop. I think it's British and I was wondering if anyone else knew it. No? Just me? Oh Well.

Luv Ya,


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